Pauan / tab-organizer

Google Chrome Extension that makes it easier to manage many tabs!
MIT License
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Drag-and-drop does not work in bubble mode. #118

Open Pauan opened 9 years ago

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 116

It would be great if we could use drag-and-drop interaction within the Tab Organizer
pop-up window, i.e. dragging a tab from one window to another, and dragging a tab into
open space to create a new window with that tab.

I constantly catch myself trying to drag-and-drop tabs between windows, because it
just seems so intuitive. Currently the only way to move a single tab from one window
to another is a very painful, tedious process involving Ctrl-clicking desired tab and
clicking through a series of menus. It shouldn't be that hard. Dragging and dropping
is simple, intuitive, and efficient.

As a side note, there should also be an easier way to select tabs rather than Ctrl-clicking.
If you only wish to select one tab, which is often the case for me, it seems tedious
to have to Ctrl-click it.

Perhaps a single click on a tab should select that tab in the same way that a Ctrl-click
does, rather than take you to that tab in Google Chrome. A DOUBLE-click on a tab should
take you to that tab, the way a single click does now.

I would certainly like that a lot better, but that's just me.

Other than that, I love this extension and use it all the time. These are just a couple
things that I think would make it even better.

P.S. If you'd like for me to split this post into two separate feature requests, just
say so and consider it done.

Reported by Ltorviksmith on 2010-12-18 02:07:00

Pauan commented 9 years ago
It's a bug in Chrome. Aside from implementing a custom drag-n-drop library (not likely),
there's nothing I can do.

You realize, that double-clicking is just as hard as Ctrl+click, and for some people
it's significantly harder, right? Also, Ctrl+click corresponds perfectly with file

Your issue about Select->Menu->Move selected to... is valid, but is caused by a lack
of drag-n-drop, which is caused by a bug in Chrome.

I know it's a pain to go through those three steps when all you want to do is move
a single tab, and I'm open to suggestions, but I don't think "single click to select"
is the answer.

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2010-12-18 14:40:40

Pauan commented 9 years ago
P.S. You can also use Shift to select tabs. I tried to make it feel like using a file
manager, where each window is a folder, and each tab is a file.

If you prefer the keyboard, you can use Ctrl/Shift + Space/Enter to select tabs.

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2010-12-18 14:44:45

Pauan commented 9 years ago
I understand the benefits of keyboard-clicking, but not everyone is so pro-keyboard
or keyboard-savvy. I'd rather be able to select and move tabs without touching my keyboard
at all. I prefer the mouse. But it's your extension and you can design it as you wish,
of course. Also, that sucks about the bug in Chrome I guess. Thanks for your help anyway.
Honestly, great extension, and I will continue using it. Much better than Too Many

Reported by Ltorviksmith on 2010-12-18 19:47:48

Pauan commented 9 years ago
Two things:

1) The bug is only for Bubble mode. Drag-n-drop should work fine in Tab or Popup mode.
I know some users prefer Bubble mode, so hopefully the bug in Chrome gets fixed soon.
In the meantime, you can use Popup or Tab mode, if you really want drag-n-drop.

2) I really really really do not like double click. Please see issue 119 for the reasons

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2010-12-19 06:14:30

Pauan commented 9 years ago
Issue 119 has been fixed. Rather than using double click, I decided on this model: when
you click on a tab, if it isn't selected, it will be selected. If it's selected, it
will be focused.

That means, the first click will select the tab, and the second click will focus it.
But it doesn't rely on double click; instead it relies on whether the tab is selected
or not.

This behavior is similar to double click, but I think it avoids many of the problems.

The option should be in version 3.5, which is not released yet. When it's released,
I would like feedback on whether it behaves as you expect, and if not, what to change.

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2010-12-23 14:47:36

Pauan commented 9 years ago
Version 3.5 has been released. You can enable "double-click-to-focus" in the Options
page, under the Tabs category. Please try it out and tell me if there's anything you
want me to change.

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2011-01-06 20:21:58

Pauan commented 9 years ago
This is great! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. :) What a great extension.

Reported by Ltorviksmith on 2011-01-06 23:01:43

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:04:23

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:14:51

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:16:50

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:32:45

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:36:10

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:39:18

Pauan commented 9 years ago

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2012-08-27 23:47:45