Pauan / tab-organizer

Google Chrome Extension that makes it easier to manage many tabs!
MIT License
61 stars 8 forks source link

Archive Window #165

Closed Pauan closed 8 years ago

Pauan commented 8 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 166

Version of Tab Organizer: 4.3
Version of Google Chrome: 24.0.1312.56 m
Version of operating system: Windows 7

Please describe the problem you are having, or the feature you want added:
I would like a feature in which you can archive a window (ie. just save all the URLs
of the tabs) so that it may be reloaded at another time. The option could be located
in window menu (next to the name of the window in Tab Organizer, Ctrl+M).

For example, if I am researching a certain topic in a window but something more important
comes up and I don't want the research window open to distract me, I can simply archive
the research window and access it later when the more important item is attended to.

Reported by on 2013-01-31 22:21:29

Pauan commented 8 years ago
Tab Organizer version 5 will automatically do this when closing Chrome, and will also
let you manually "unload" tabs so that they can be restored later.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your viewpoint), Tab Organizer version 5
will no longer sort tabs into windows. Instead, it'll use abstract groups, kinda like
Firefox's Panorama.

I may be able to put in an option to automatically move tabs into abstract groups based
on their window, though...

Reported by pcxunlimited on 2013-02-01 22:11:34