Pauan / tab-organizer

Google Chrome Extension that makes it easier to manage many tabs!
MIT License
61 stars 8 forks source link

Question #179

Open mikhoul opened 6 years ago

mikhoul commented 6 years ago


I'm slowly migrating from Firefox to Chrome since Firefox for me lost it's advantage when they drop xul addons system. So I'm looking for addons/extensions to replace my Fox addon.

I was looking at your extension as a tab manager and I've seen that the version in the store was last updated in 2012 and after reading review I've found this repo :smile:

I've seen here that you have many forks of your extension so I'm more a power user than than a casual user so which branches do you think would be the more suitable for me ? :question:

A last question, I've seen you seem to have a "Rust" version I'm curious to know what is this "Rust" version ?

Regards :octocat:

Pauan commented 6 years ago

I'm slowly migrating from Firefox to Chrome since Firefox for me lost it's advantage when they drop xul addons system.

Although I understand your feelings, I think that's an odd choice. The Chrome extension system is even more limited compared to the new Firefox extension system, and that's very unlikely to change anytime soon.

Even after Firefox dropped XUL add-ons, its extension system is still superior to Chrome's, and that's true even though Chrome has a multi-year headstart! The Chrome team really just doesn't care much about their extension system.

So, my current plan is to change Tab Organizer to be a Firefox extension, because Chrome is missing some really important extension APIs which Firefox has. Those APIs are practically mandatory for Tab Organizer to work well.

I actually made the opposite choice as you: I had used Chrome all the way since its initial release (over 9 years ago). However, after Firefox gained support for multi-process tabs (with the associated speed improvements), Chrome no longer had any advantages so I switched to Firefox. There's so many things which Firefox does right which Chrome doesn't.

I've seen here that you have many forks of your extension so I'm more a power user than than a casual user so which branches do you think would be the more suitable for me ?

Right now none of them, since it's a work in progress, so nothing really works. You might have some success with the ecmascript6 branch, but I haven't touched it in a long time, so buyer beware.

A last question, I've seen you seem to have a "Rust" version I'm curious to know what is this "Rust" version ?

It means I'm rewriting the extension in Rust.

mikhoul commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply :smile: ,

I understand better your choice to use Rust if you are migrating to Firefox, I understand your point of view but I don't agree with you.

I used Firefox since the beginning but now since few 2 years especially Mozilla don't care about their users and don't listen. Also they make dumb decisions that prove they don't really care about the privacy of their users. They copy Chrome with an interface without really option for power-users and are leveling down assuming their users are idiots.

The AMO store is becoming slowly the same mess as the Chrome Store , They removed for no real reason the support for beta addons in the AMO, FF have security bugs for years and nobody seem to care until it is in the press and even..., They put spyware in their own browser without telling to users, Sell your data for money to opaque organisations etc etc....

I was using over 80 addons and it was relatively more easy that I was thinking to find substitute addons/extensions for Chromium...even if the Chrome Store is a real pain in the a**s to use for searching :wink: .

Also Firefox have some unique API but very few but also miss MANY Chrome API as of today...

Since 8-12 months I'm using Firefox as my main browser with Chrome side by side, Chrome is rock steady don't use to much memory, is lot faster and responsive than Firefox

Just look at memory consumption:

GitHub Logo

Firefox is quick for the first 12-24 hours after that it become a memory hog , become sluggish and crash every 2 days at least, if you are lucky and experience no crash for 3 days you will have to restart it because it's no more usable, it's to slow to use, Firefox don't release the memory when you close tabs... etc etc...

On the other side Chrome can stay open on my computer for weeks and I don't see any degradation in speed or memory use.

Mozilla sadly :disappointed: is no longer what it was five years ago... on Android Firefox is even worst and slow as a hell, on Mac it is a joke there is so many bugs.... Most devs I know have abandoned Firefox since nobody listen them at Mozilla, some have ported their extensions but are using Chrome as their main browser.

Also at least with Chromium I know that the next update will not mess removing a feature that I use daily for years or will not disable half of my addons.... With Firefox you have IMO a false sense of security since Mozilla say "We are the best for privacy" but each 3-4 months they try to spy to their users or leaks/sell users information to third party....

Maybe later in few years I will come back if they change and care about their users but for now for me it's enough.

Regards :octocat:

P.S.: You should try both browsers side by side for a few months before switching completely to Firefox to really know how Firefox is running after few days of use... :wink:

Pauan commented 6 years ago

I understand better your choice to use Rust if you are migrating to Firefox

Rust has nothing to do with Firefox extensions though, I would still choose to use Rust even if I was making Tab Organizer for Chrome. My choice of Rust is simply because it's a phenomenally good language.

I used Firefox since the beginning but now since few 2 years especially Mozilla don't care about their users and don't listen.

I agree that their sudden cutoff of XUL add-ons was quite bad, but I can assure you that Chrome isn't any better at all in that regard: I've had many dealings with the Chrome team over the years, usually not pleasant ones. I can point to multiple Chrome issues where the Chrome team completely disregarded the important needs of many users.

Also they make dumb decisions that prove they don't really care about the privacy of their users.

Indeed, though of course Google is no better at all.

They copy Chrome with an interface without really option for power-users and are leveling down assuming their users are idiots.

Once again, not any worse than Google.

The AMO store is becoming slowly the same mess as the Chrome Store , They removed for no real reason the support for beta addons in the AMO, FF have security bugs for years and nobody seem to care until it is in the press and even..., They put spyware in their own browser without telling to users, Sell your data for money to opaque organisations etc etc....

No doubt, but of course Google has been doing the same things for years.

Also Firefox have some unique API but very few but also miss MANY Chrome API as of today...

I don't know how true that is in general, but I think Firefox has all of the APIs that Tab Organizer needs (plus some important ones which Chrome doesn't have).

After taking a quick glance through the full list of APIs, there are 647 APIs, 412 of them are shared between Firefox and Chrome, 77 are Chrome-only, and 158 are Firefox-only. In other words, Firefox supports ~84% of the APIs that Chrome does.

In addition, the incompatibilities with Chrome seem to be quite small.

It's true that for quite a while the extension support in Firefox was bad, but they've improved it at a dramatically fast rate. In my opinion the Firefox team cares a lot more about solid extension support than the Chrome team (speaking from my personal experiences).

Since 8-12 months I'm using Firefox as my main browser with Chrome side by side, Chrome is rock steady don't use to much memory, is lot faster and responsive than Firefox

Firefox is quick for the first 12-24 hours after that it become a memory hog , become sluggish and crash every 2 days at least, if you are lucky and experience no crash for 3 days you will have to restart it because it's no more usable, it's to slow to use, Firefox don't release the memory when you close tabs... etc etc...

On the other side Chrome can stay open on my computer for weeks and I don't see any degradation in speed or memory use.

That's odd, because I've had the exact opposite experience. Chrome has been super buggy and crashy for me for many years. Firefox has been rock-solid, with much less resource usage as well.

I've completely lost all of my tabs many times with Chrome, never once with Firefox.

I've used Chrome and Firefox on Linux and Windows 10 and Firefox has consistently been better on both.

I'm curious: what versions of Chrome and Firefox are you using?

Mozilla sadly 😞 is no longer what it was five years ago..

I do agree with that, but as I keep saying, it's not any worse than Google.

Also at least with Chromium I know that the next update will not mess removing a feature that I use daily for years or will not disable half of my addons...

I've had plenty of add-ons break with Chrome (including my own!), it's not only Firefox that has that problem.

P.S.: You should try both browsers side by side for a few months before switching completely to Firefox to really know how Firefox is running after few days of use...

You misunderstand, I've already been using Firefox for many months. I have thousands of tabs open and it works fantastic.

In Chrome, when you close the browser and re-open it, it tries to load all your tabs, which is completely insane. In Firefox it keeps your tabs in a "dormant" state until you actually click them, which is the only sane way of managing thousands of tabs.

In fact a lot of the complexity in Tab Organizer 5 is needed to workaround deficiencies and problems in Chrome, problems which simply don't exist in Firefox in the first place!

I still use Chrome as well, but not as my main browser, I only use it for debugging, testing cross-browser support, etc.

Of course I respect your decision, you have the right to choose whatever browser you wish, but I think all of your criticisms apply to Google/Chrome as well, so your transition might not be as pleasant as you hope.

Pauan commented 6 years ago

Also, if we're going to be comparing resource usage...

Browser resources

In Chrome I have 3 tabs open, and one of those tabs is, so it's really 2 tabs.

In Firefox I have thousands of tabs open, with over 40 tabs active and in use.

So if we add it up, Chrome is using 1,125.4 MB (for an efficiency of 375 MB per tab), whereas Firefox is using 5,029.8 MB (for an efficiency of 126 MB per tab).

Of course this is super unscientific, a real test would be to open the same tabs in Firefox and Chrome and then compare, but even still, it suggests that Firefox isn't using more memory than Chrome.

When the Mozilla team does much more rigorous tests they show that Firefox tends to use the same or less memory than Chrome, which has been my personal experience.

mikhoul commented 6 years ago

Hi @Pauan , :smile:

I know that with Firefox especially many users have many different results in performance that's also one of the reason I don't like Mozilla those day but tht's another story.

I've just imported the project to build it and it seem to build fine :+1: but everything in JS is minified.

So could you tell me how I could build a non-minified version for me it will be a lot more easy to debug if problems arise since I'm not really familiar with node.js ? :question:

Regards :octocat:

mikhoul commented 6 years ago

One more question @Pauan

The latest beta version that I build don't work on my system BUT I had some message about Uglifying process that could have messed with variable names and also one setting is for Mac and I'm under Windows.

Here's the output of the shell when I build it, could you help me to build it properly to have a working version (even if it is a beta version) ?

In meantime I will try to build the PureScript Version,

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\Michel> cd L:\tab-organizer
PS L:\tab-organizer> npm run-script build

> tab-organizer@5.0.0-beta build L:\tab-organizer
> npm install && webpack --colors --bail -p

npm WARN deprecated gulp-util@3.0.7: gulp-util is deprecated - replace it, following the guidelines at
npm WARN deprecated clone@1.0.2: XSS vulnerability fixed in v1.0.3

> flow-bin@0.30.0 postinstall L:\tab-organizer\node_modules\flow-bin
> node lib/install.js

  V flow binary test passed successfully
tab-organizer@5.0.0-beta L:\tab-organizer
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| |   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| |   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| |   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| |   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| |   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| |   | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | +-- debug@2.2.0
| |   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| |   | +-- globals@8.18.0
| |   | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| |   |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| |   +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-literals@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs@6.11.5
| | +-- babel-template@6.9.0
| | | +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| | | | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | +-- esutils@2.0.2
| | | | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| | | | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| | | | +-- debug@2.2.0
| | | | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| | | | +-- globals@8.18.0
| | | | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| | | |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| | | |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| | | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| | | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| | `-- babel-types@6.11.1
| |   +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| |   | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| |   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| |   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| |   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| |   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| |   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| |   | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | +-- debug@2.2.0
| |   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| |   | +-- globals@8.18.0
| |   | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| |   |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| |   +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-object-super@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-helper-replace-supers@6.8.0
| |   +-- babel-helper-optimise-call-expression@6.8.0
| |   +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| |   +-- babel-template@6.9.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| |   | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| |   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| |   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| |   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| |   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| |   | | +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | +-- debug@2.2.0
| |   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| |   | +-- globals@8.18.0
| |   | +-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   | | `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| |   | |   `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| |   | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- babel-types@6.11.1
| |     +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |     +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |     `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-parameters@6.11.4
| | +-- babel-helper-call-delegate@6.8.0
| | | `-- babel-helper-hoist-variables@6.8.0
| | +-- babel-helper-get-function-arity@6.8.0
| | +-- babel-template@6.9.0
| | | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| | | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| | +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| | | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | +-- esutils@2.0.2
| | | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| | | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| | | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| | | +-- debug@2.2.0
| | | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| | | +-- globals@8.18.0
| | | +-- invariant@2.2.1
| | | | `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| | | |   `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| | | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| | `-- babel-types@6.11.1
| |   +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-shorthand-properties@6.8.0
| | `-- babel-types@6.11.1
| |   +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| |   | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| |   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| |   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| |   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| |   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| |   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| |   | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | +-- debug@2.2.0
| |   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| |   | +-- globals@8.18.0
| |   | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| |   |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| |   +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-spread@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-sticky-regex@6.8.0
| | +-- babel-helper-regex@6.9.0
| | | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| | `-- babel-types@6.11.1
| |   +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| |   | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| |   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| |   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| |   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| |   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| |   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| |   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| |   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| |   | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| |   | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| |   | +-- debug@2.2.0
| |   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| |   | +-- globals@8.18.0
| |   | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| |   |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| |   |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| |   +-- esutils@2.0.2
| |   +-- lodash@4.14.1
| |   `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-template-literals@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-typeof-symbol@6.8.0
| +-- babel-plugin-transform-es2015-unicode-regex@6.11.0
| | +-- babel-helper-regex@6.9.0
| | | +-- babel-types@6.11.1
| | | | +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
| | | | | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
| | | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
| | | | | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
| | | | | +-- babylon@6.8.4
| | | | | +-- debug@2.2.0
| | | | | | `-- ms@0.7.1
| | | | | +-- globals@8.18.0
| | | | | `-- invariant@2.2.1
| | | | |   `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
| | | | |     `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
| | | | +-- esutils@2.0.2
| | | | `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
| | | `-- lodash@4.14.1
| | `-- regexpu-core@2.0.0
| |   +-- regenerate@1.3.1
| |   +-- regjsgen@0.2.0
| |   `-- regjsparser@0.1.5
| |     `-- jsesc@0.5.0
| `-- babel-plugin-transform-regenerator@6.11.4
|   +-- babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.8.0
|   +-- babel-traverse@6.12.0
|   | +-- babel-code-frame@6.11.0
|   | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
|   | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
|   | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
|   | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
|   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
|   | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
|   | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
|   | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
|   | | +-- esutils@2.0.2
|   | | `-- js-tokens@2.0.0
|   | +-- babel-messages@6.8.0
|   | +-- debug@2.2.0
|   | | `-- ms@0.7.1
|   | +-- globals@8.18.0
|   | +-- invariant@2.2.1
|   | | `-- loose-envify@1.2.0
|   | |   `-- js-tokens@1.0.3
|   | `-- lodash@4.14.1
|   +-- babel-types@6.11.1
|   | +-- esutils@2.0.2
|   | +-- lodash@4.14.1
|   | `-- to-fast-properties@1.0.2
|   +-- babylon@6.8.4
|   `-- private@0.1.6
+-- babel-runtime@6.11.6
| +-- core-js@2.4.1
| `-- regenerator-runtime@0.9.5
+-- flow-bin@0.30.0
| +-- bin-wrapper@3.0.2
| | +-- bin-check@2.0.0
| | | `-- executable@1.1.0
| | |   `-- meow@3.7.0
| | |     +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
| | |     | `-- camelcase@2.1.1
| | |     +-- decamelize@1.2.0
| | |     +-- loud-rejection@1.6.0
| | |     | +-- currently-unhandled@0.4.1
| | |     | | `-- array-find-index@1.0.1
| | |     | `-- signal-exit@3.0.0
| | |     +-- map-obj@1.0.1
| | |     +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | |     +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
| | |     | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5
| | |     | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
| | |     | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
| | |     | +-- semver@5.3.0
| | |     | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
| | |     |   +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
| | |     |   | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | |     |   `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
| | |     |     +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.5
| | |     |     `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | |     +-- object-assign@4.1.0
| | |     +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
| | |     | +-- find-up@1.1.2
| | |     | | +-- path-exists@2.1.0
| | |     | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | |     | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | |     | `-- read-pkg@1.1.0
| | |     |   +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
| | |     |   | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | |     |   | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
| | |     |   | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
| | |     |   | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | |     |   | +-- pify@2.3.0
| | |     |   | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | |     |   | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | |     |   | `-- strip-bom@2.0.0
| | |     |   |   `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
| | |     |   `-- path-type@1.1.0
| | |     |     +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | |     |     +-- pify@2.3.0
| | |     |     `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | |     |       `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | |     +-- redent@1.0.0
| | |     | +-- indent-string@2.1.0
| | |     | | `-- repeating@2.0.1
| | |     | |   `-- is-finite@1.0.1
| | |     | |     `-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
| | |     | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1
| | |     |   `-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | |     `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
| | +-- bin-version-check@2.1.0
| | | +-- bin-version@1.0.4
| | | | `-- find-versions@1.2.1
| | | |   +-- array-uniq@1.0.3
| | | |   +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | |   +-- meow@3.7.0
| | | |   | +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
| | | |   | | `-- camelcase@2.1.1
| | | |   | +-- decamelize@1.2.0
| | | |   | +-- loud-rejection@1.6.0
| | | |   | | +-- currently-unhandled@0.4.1
| | | |   | | | `-- array-find-index@1.0.1
| | | |   | | `-- signal-exit@3.0.0
| | | |   | +-- map-obj@1.0.1
| | | |   | +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
| | | |   | | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5
| | | |   | | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
| | | |   | | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
| | | |   | | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
| | | |   | |   +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
| | | |   | |   | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | | |   | |   `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
| | | |   | |     +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.5
| | | |   | |     `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | | |   | +-- object-assign@4.1.0
| | | |   | +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
| | | |   | | +-- find-up@1.1.2
| | | |   | | | +-- path-exists@2.1.0
| | | |   | | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   | | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   | | `-- read-pkg@1.1.0
| | | |   | |   +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
| | | |   | |   | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | | |   | |   | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
| | | |   | |   | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
| | | |   | |   | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | | |   | |   | +-- pify@2.3.0
| | | |   | |   | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   | |   | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   | |   | `-- strip-bom@2.0.0
| | | |   | |   |   `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
| | | |   | |   `-- path-type@1.1.0
| | | |   | |     +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | | |   | |     +-- pify@2.3.0
| | | |   | |     `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   | |       `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   | +-- redent@1.0.0
| | | |   | | +-- indent-string@2.1.0
| | | |   | | | `-- repeating@2.0.1
| | | |   | | |   `-- is-finite@1.0.1
| | | |   | | |     `-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
| | | |   | | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1
| | | |   | `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
| | | |   `-- semver-regex@1.0.0
| | | +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | +-- semver@4.3.6
| | | `-- semver-truncate@1.1.0
| | |   `-- semver@5.3.0
| | +-- download@4.4.3
| | | +-- caw@1.2.0
| | | | +-- get-proxy@1.1.0
| | | | | `-- rc@1.1.6
| | | | |   +-- deep-extend@0.4.1
| | | | |   +-- ini@1.3.4
| | | | |   +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | | |   `-- strip-json-comments@1.0.4
| | | | +-- is-obj@1.0.1
| | | | +-- object-assign@3.0.0
| | | | `-- tunnel-agent@0.4.3
| | | +-- concat-stream@1.5.1
| | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | `-- typedarray@0.0.6
| | | +-- filenamify@1.2.1
| | | | +-- filename-reserved-regex@1.0.0
| | | | +-- strip-outer@1.0.0
| | | | | `-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | `-- trim-repeated@1.0.0
| | | |   `-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | +-- got@5.6.0
| | | | +-- create-error-class@3.0.2
| | | | | `-- capture-stack-trace@1.0.0
| | | | +-- duplexer2@0.1.4
| | | | +-- is-plain-obj@1.1.0
| | | | +-- is-redirect@1.0.0
| | | | +-- is-retry-allowed@1.1.0
| | | | +-- is-stream@1.1.0
| | | | +-- lowercase-keys@1.0.0
| | | | +-- node-status-codes@1.0.0
| | | | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
| | | | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
| | | | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | | | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | | +-- timed-out@2.0.0
| | | | +-- unzip-response@1.0.0
| | | | `-- url-parse-lax@1.0.0
| | | |   `-- prepend-http@1.0.4
| | | +-- gulp-decompress@1.2.0
| | | | +-- archive-type@3.2.0
| | | | | `-- file-type@3.8.0
| | | | +-- decompress@3.0.0
| | | | | +-- buffer-to-vinyl@1.1.0
| | | | | | +-- file-type@3.8.0
| | | | | | `-- uuid@2.0.2
| | | | | +-- decompress-tar@3.1.0
| | | | | | +-- is-tar@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
| | | | | | +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- is-absolute@0.1.7
| | | | | | | | `-- is-relative@0.1.3
| | | | | | | +-- is-natural-number@2.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | | | | | `-- sum-up@1.0.3
| | | | | | +-- tar-stream@1.5.2
| | | | | | | +-- bl@1.1.2
| | | | | | | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | | | |   +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | |   +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | |   +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | | |   +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | | | |   +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | |   `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | | | | +-- end-of-stream@1.1.0
| | | | | | | | `-- once@1.3.3
| | | | | | | |   `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | | | | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | | | | | `-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
| | | | | |   +-- clone@0.2.0
| | | | | |   `-- clone-stats@0.0.1
| | | | | +-- decompress-tarbz2@3.1.0
| | | | | | +-- is-bzip2@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
| | | | | | +-- seek-bzip@1.0.5
| | | | | | | `-- commander@2.8.1
| | | | | | |   `-- graceful-readlink@1.0.1
| | | | | | +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- is-absolute@0.1.7
| | | | | | | | `-- is-relative@0.1.3
| | | | | | | +-- is-natural-number@2.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | | | | | `-- sum-up@1.0.3
| | | | | | +-- tar-stream@1.5.2
| | | | | | | +-- bl@1.1.2
| | | | | | | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | | | |   +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | |   +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | |   +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | | |   +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | | | |   +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | |   `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | | | | +-- end-of-stream@1.1.0
| | | | | | | | `-- once@1.3.3
| | | | | | | |   `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | | | | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | | | | | `-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
| | | | | |   +-- clone@0.2.0
| | | | | |   `-- clone-stats@0.0.1
| | | | | +-- decompress-targz@3.1.0
| | | | | | +-- is-gzip@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- object-assign@2.1.1
| | | | | | +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- is-absolute@0.1.7
| | | | | | | | `-- is-relative@0.1.3
| | | | | | | +-- is-natural-number@2.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | | | | | `-- sum-up@1.0.3
| | | | | | +-- tar-stream@1.5.2
| | | | | | | +-- bl@1.1.2
| | | | | | | | `-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | | | |   +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | |   +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | |   +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | | |   +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | | | |   +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | |   `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | | | | +-- end-of-stream@1.1.0
| | | | | | | | `-- once@1.3.3
| | | | | | | |   `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | | | | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | | | | | `-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | `-- vinyl@0.4.6
| | | | | |   +-- clone@0.2.0
| | | | | |   `-- clone-stats@0.0.1
| | | | | +-- decompress-unzip@3.4.0
| | | | | | +-- is-zip@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- stat-mode@0.2.1
| | | | | | +-- strip-dirs@1.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | | | | | | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | | | | | | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | | | | | | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | | | | | | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | | | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- is-absolute@0.1.7
| | | | | | | | `-- is-relative@0.1.3
| | | | | | | +-- is-natural-number@2.1.1
| | | | | | | +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | | | | | `-- sum-up@1.0.3
| | | | | | +-- through2@2.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | | | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | | | | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | | `-- yauzl@2.6.0
| | | | | |   +-- buffer-crc32@0.2.5
| | | | | |   `-- fd-slicer@1.0.1
| | | | | |     `-- pend@1.2.0
| | | | | `-- vinyl-assign@1.2.1
| | | | `-- gulp-util@3.0.7
| | | |   +-- array-differ@1.0.0
| | | |   +-- array-uniq@1.0.3
| | | |   +-- beeper@1.1.0
| | | |   +-- chalk@1.1.3
| | | |   | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
| | | |   | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
| | | |   | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
| | | |   | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | |   | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
| | | |   | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
| | | |   | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
| | | |   +-- dateformat@1.0.12
| | | |   | +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
| | | |   | `-- meow@3.7.0
| | | |   |   +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
| | | |   |   | `-- camelcase@2.1.1
| | | |   |   +-- decamelize@1.2.0
| | | |   |   +-- loud-rejection@1.6.0
| | | |   |   | +-- currently-unhandled@0.4.1
| | | |   |   | | `-- array-find-index@1.0.1
| | | |   |   | `-- signal-exit@3.0.0
| | | |   |   +-- map-obj@1.0.1
| | | |   |   +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
| | | |   |   | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5
| | | |   |   | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
| | | |   |   | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
| | | |   |   | +-- semver@5.3.0
| | | |   |   | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
| | | |   |   |   +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
| | | |   |   |   | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | | |   |   |   `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
| | | |   |   |     +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.5
| | | |   |   |     `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
| | | |   |   +-- object-assign@4.1.0
| | | |   |   +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
| | | |   |   | +-- find-up@1.1.2
| | | |   |   | | +-- path-exists@2.1.0
| | | |   |   | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   |   | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   |   | `-- read-pkg@1.1.0
| | | |   |   |   +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
| | | |   |   |   | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | | |   |   |   | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
| | | |   |   |   | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
| | | |   |   |   | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
| | | |   |   |   | +-- pify@2.3.0
| | | |   |   |   | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   |   |   | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   |   |   | `-- strip-bom@2.0.0
| | | |   |   |   |   `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
| | | |   |   |   `-- path-type@1.1.0
| | | |   |   |     +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | | |   |   |     +-- pify@2.3.0
| | | |   |   |     `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   |   |       `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | |   |   +-- redent@1.0.0
| | | |   |   | +-- indent-string@2.1.0
| | | |   |   | | `-- repeating@2.0.1
| | | |   |   | |   `-- is-finite@1.0.1
| | | |   |   | |     `-- number-is-nan@1.0.0
| | | |   |   | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1
| | | |   |   `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
| | | |   +-- fancy-log@1.2.0
| | | |   | `-- time-stamp@1.0.1
| | | |   +-- gulplog@1.0.0
| | | |   | `-- glogg@1.0.0
| | | |   |   `-- sparkles@1.0.0
| | | |   +-- has-gulplog@0.1.0
| | | |   | `-- sparkles@1.0.0
| | | |   +-- lodash._reescape@3.0.0
| | | |   +-- lodash._reevaluate@3.0.0
| | | |   +-- lodash._reinterpolate@3.0.0
| | | |   +-- lodash.template@3.6.2
| | | |   | +-- lodash._basecopy@3.0.1
| | | |   | +-- lodash._basetostring@3.0.1
| | | |   | +-- lodash._basevalues@3.0.0
| | | |   | +-- lodash._isiterateecall@3.0.9
| | | |   | +-- lodash.escape@3.2.0
| | | |   | | `-- lodash._root@3.0.1
| | | |   | +-- lodash.keys@3.1.2
| | | |   | | +-- lodash._getnative@3.9.1
| | | |   | | +-- lodash.isarguments@3.0.9
| | | |   | | `-- lodash.isarray@3.0.4
| | | |   | +-- lodash.restparam@3.6.1
| | | |   | `-- lodash.templatesettings@3.1.1
| | | |   +-- minimist@1.2.0
| | | |   +-- multipipe@0.1.2
| | | |   | `-- duplexer2@0.0.2
| | | |   |   `-- readable-stream@1.1.14
| | | |   |     +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | |   |     +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | |   |     +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | |   |     `-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | |   +-- object-assign@3.0.0
| | | |   +-- replace-ext@0.0.1
| | | |   +-- through2@2.0.1
| | | |   | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | |   | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | |   | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | |   | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | |   | | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | |   | | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | |   | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | |   | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | |   `-- vinyl@0.5.3
| | | |     +-- clone@1.0.2
| | | |     `-- clone-stats@0.0.1
| | | +-- gulp-rename@1.2.2
| | | +-- is-url@1.2.2
| | | +-- object-assign@4.1.0
| | | +-- read-all-stream@3.1.0
| | | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
| | | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
| | | +-- readable-stream@2.1.4
| | | | +-- buffer-shims@1.0.0
| | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | +-- stream-combiner2@1.1.1
| | | | `-- duplexer2@0.1.4
| | | +-- vinyl@1.2.0
| | | | +-- clone@1.0.2
| | | | +-- clone-stats@0.0.1
| | | | `-- replace-ext@0.0.1
| | | +-- vinyl-fs@2.4.3
| | | | +-- duplexify@3.4.5
| | | | | +-- end-of-stream@1.0.0
| | | | | | `-- once@1.3.3
| | | | | |   `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | `-- stream-shift@1.0.0
| | | | +-- glob-stream@5.3.2
| | | | | +-- extend@3.0.0
| | | | | +-- glob@5.0.15
| | | | | | +-- inflight@1.0.5
| | | | | | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | +-- minimatch@3.0.2
| | | | | | | `-- brace-expansion@1.1.6
| | | | | | |   +-- balanced-match@0.4.2
| | | | | | |   `-- concat-map@0.0.1
| | | | | | +-- once@1.3.3
| | | | | | | `-- wrappy@1.0.2
| | | | | | `-- path-is-absolute@1.0.0
| | | | | +-- glob-parent@2.0.0
| | | | | | `-- is-glob@2.0.1
| | | | | |   `-- is-extglob@1.0.0
| | | | | +-- micromatch@2.3.11
| | | | | | +-- arr-diff@2.0.0
| | | | | | | `-- arr-flatten@1.0.1
| | | | | | +-- array-unique@0.2.1
| | | | | | +-- braces@1.8.5
| | | | | | | +-- expand-range@1.8.2
| | | | | | | | `-- fill-range@2.2.3
| | | | | | | |   +-- is-number@2.1.0
| | | | | | | |   +-- isobject@2.1.0
| | | | | | | |   | `-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | | |   +-- randomatic@1.1.5
| | | | | | | |   `-- repeat-string@1.5.4
| | | | | | | +-- preserve@0.2.0
| | | | | | | `-- repeat-element@1.1.2
| | | | | | +-- expand-brackets@0.1.5
| | | | | | | `-- is-posix-bracket@0.1.1
| | | | | | +-- extglob@0.3.2
| | | | | | +-- filename-regex@2.0.0
| | | | | | +-- is-extglob@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- is-glob@2.0.1
| | | | | | +-- kind-of@3.0.4
| | | | | | | `-- is-buffer@1.1.3
| | | | | | +-- normalize-path@2.0.1
| | | | | | +-- object.omit@2.0.0
| | | | | | | +-- for-own@0.1.4
| | | | | | | | `-- for-in@0.1.5
| | | | | | | `-- is-extendable@0.1.1
| | | | | | +-- parse-glob@3.0.4
| | | | | | | +-- glob-base@0.3.0
| | | | | | | `-- is-dotfile@1.0.2
| | | | | | `-- regex-cache@0.4.3
| | | | | |   +-- is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
| | | | | |   `-- is-primitive@2.0.0
| | | | | +-- ordered-read-streams@0.3.0
| | | | | | `-- is-stream@1.1.0
| | | | | +-- through2@0.6.5
| | | | | | +-- readable-stream@1.0.34
| | | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | | +-- isarray@0.0.1
| | | | | | | `-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | | +-- to-absolute-glob@0.1.1
| | | | | | `-- extend-shallow@2.0.1
| | | | | |   `-- is-extendable@0.1.1
| | | | | `-- unique-stream@2.2.1
| | | | |   `-- json-stable-stringify@1.0.1
| | | | |     `-- jsonify@0.0.0
| | | | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
| | | | +-- gulp-sourcemaps@1.6.0
| | | | | `-- convert-source-map@1.3.0
| | | | +-- is-valid-glob@0.3.0
| | | | +-- lazystream@1.0.0
| | | | +-- lodash.isequal@4.3.1
| | | | +-- merge-stream@1.0.0
| | | | +-- mkdirp@0.5.1
| | | | | `-- minimist@0.0.8
| | | | +-- strip-bom@2.0.0
| | | | | `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
| | | | +-- strip-bom-stream@1.0.0
| | | | | `-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
| | | | +-- through2@2.0.1
| | | | | +-- readable-stream@2.0.6
| | | | | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
| | | | | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
| | | | | | +-- isarray@1.0.0
| | | | | | +-- process-nextick-args@1.0.7
| | | | | | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
| | | | | | `-- util-deprecate@1.0.2
| | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | +-- through2-filter@2.0.0
| | | | | `-- xtend@4.0.1
| | | | `-- vali-date@1.0.0
| | | `-- ware@1.3.0
| | |   `-- wrap-fn@0.1.5
| | |     `-- co@3.1.0
| | +-- each-async@1.1.1
| | | +-- onetime@1.1.0
| | | `-- set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
| | +-- lazy-req@1.1.0
| | `-- os-filter-obj@1.0.3
| `-- logalot@2.1.0
|   +-- figures@1.7.0
|   | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
|   | `-- object-assign@4.1.0
|   `-- squeak@1.3.0
|     +-- chalk@1.1.3
|     | +-- ansi-styles@2.2.1
|     | +-- escape-string-regexp@1.0.5
|     | +-- has-ansi@2.0.0
|     | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
|     | +-- strip-ansi@3.0.1
|     | | `-- ansi-regex@2.0.0
|     | `-- supports-color@2.0.0
|     +-- console-stream@0.1.1
|     `-- lpad-align@1.1.0
|       +-- get-stdin@4.0.1
|       +-- longest@1.0.1
|       +-- lpad@2.0.1
|       `-- meow@3.7.0
|         +-- camelcase-keys@2.1.0
|         | `-- camelcase@2.1.1
|         +-- decamelize@1.2.0
|         +-- loud-rejection@1.6.0
|         | +-- currently-unhandled@0.4.1
|         | | `-- array-find-index@1.0.1
|         | `-- signal-exit@3.0.0
|         +-- map-obj@1.0.1
|         +-- minimist@1.2.0
|         +-- normalize-package-data@2.3.5
|         | +-- hosted-git-info@2.1.5
|         | +-- is-builtin-module@1.0.0
|         | | `-- builtin-modules@1.1.1
|         | +-- semver@5.3.0
|         | `-- validate-npm-package-license@3.0.1
|         |   +-- spdx-correct@1.0.2
|         |   | `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
|         |   `-- spdx-expression-parse@1.0.2
|         |     +-- spdx-exceptions@1.0.5
|         |     `-- spdx-license-ids@1.2.2
|         +-- object-assign@4.1.0
|         +-- read-pkg-up@1.0.1
|         | +-- find-up@1.1.2
|         | | +-- path-exists@2.1.0
|         | | `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
|         | |   `-- pinkie@2.0.4
|         | `-- read-pkg@1.1.0
|         |   +-- load-json-file@1.1.0
|         |   | +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
|         |   | +-- parse-json@2.2.0
|         |   | | `-- error-ex@1.3.0
|         |   | |   `-- is-arrayish@0.2.1
|         |   | +-- pify@2.3.0
|         |   | +-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
|         |   | | `-- pinkie@2.0.4
|         |   | `-- strip-bom@2.0.0
|         |   |   `-- is-utf8@0.2.1
|         |   `-- path-type@1.1.0
|         |     +-- graceful-fs@4.1.5
|         |     +-- pify@2.3.0
|         |     `-- pinkie-promise@2.0.1
|         |       `-- pinkie@2.0.4
|         +-- redent@1.0.0
|         | +-- indent-string@2.1.0
|         | | `-- repeating@2.0.1
|         | |   `-- is-finite@1.0.1
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|         | `-- strip-indent@1.0.1
|         `-- trim-newlines@1.0.0
`-- webpack@1.13.1
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  | | `-- inherits@2.0.1
  | +-- https-browserify@0.0.0
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  | +-- process@0.11.7
  | +-- punycode@1.4.1
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  | | +-- core-util-is@1.0.2
  | | +-- inherits@2.0.1
  | | `-- isarray@0.0.1
  | +-- stream-browserify@1.0.0
  | | `-- inherits@2.0.1
  | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31
  | +-- timers-browserify@1.4.2
  | +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0
  | +-- url@0.10.3
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  | | `-- querystring@0.2.0
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  +-- optimist@0.6.1
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  | `-- wordwrap@0.0.3
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  +-- uglify-js@2.6.4
  | +-- async@0.2.10
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  | `-- yargs@3.10.0
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  `-- webpack-core@0.6.8
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Hash: d100073ba128c7548f36
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WARNING in common.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable run [./src/util/async.js:151,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable run_all [./src/util/async.js:157,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable ignore [./src/util/async.js:164,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable delay [./src/util/async.js:167,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable always [./src/util/mutable.js:32,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/mutable.js:39,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable first [./src/util/mutable.js:63,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable modify [./src/util/mutable.js:93,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_change [./src/util/mutable.js:204,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable map_null [./src/util/mutable.js:221,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable not [./src/util/mutable.js:227,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable and [./src/util/mutable.js:230,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable or [./src/util/mutable.js:233,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable assert [./src/util/assert.js:15,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_crash [./src/util/assert.js:22,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/record.js:18,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable copy [./src/util/record.js:22,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable has [./src/util/record.js:32,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_maybe [./src/util/record.js:48,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_default [./src/util/record.js:59,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_default [./src/util/record.js:71,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable insert [./src/util/record.js:82,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable modify [./src/util/record.js:93,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update [./src/util/record.js:102,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable assign [./src/util/record.js:110,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable include [./src/util/record.js:117,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable exclude [./src/util/record.js:125,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove [./src/util/record.js:133,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/list.js:14,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable has [./src/util/list.js:17,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update [./src/util/list.js:40,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable insert [./src/util/list.js:50,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove [./src/util/list.js:57,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable modify [./src/util/list.js:63,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/event.js:23,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable send [./src/util/event.js:48,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_receive [./src/util/event.js:58,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable close [./src/util/event.js:80,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable chrome [./src/common/globals.js:1,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable uuid_port_tab [./src/common/uuid.js:1,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable uuid_port_options [./src/common/uuid.js:2,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable uuid_port_popup [./src/common/uuid.js:3,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable uuid_port_export [./src/common/uuid.js:4,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable debug [./src/util/console.js:24,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable info [./src/util/console.js:30,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable warn [./src/util/console.js:35,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable log [./src/util/console.js:40,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable noop [./src/util/functions.js:3,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable self [./src/util/functions.js:5,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable not [./src/util/functions.js:7,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable and [./src/util/functions.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable or [./src/util/functions.js:21,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable stop [./src/util/running.js:17,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable noop [./src/util/running.js:29,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update_indexes [./src/chrome/common/util.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round [./src/chrome/common/util.js:14,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable throw_error [./src/chrome/common/util.js:29,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable async_chrome [./src/chrome/common/util.js:36,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable callback [./src/chrome/common/util.js:58,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable none [./src/util/maybe.js:11,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable some [./src/util/maybe.js:15,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable has [./src/util/maybe.js:22,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get [./src/util/maybe.js:25,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/timer.js:12,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable done [./src/util/timer.js:19,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable diff [./src/util/timer.js:23,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable timestamp [./src/util/time.js:7,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable to_local_time [./src/util/time.js:43,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_second [./src/util/time.js:46,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_minute [./src/util/time.js:52,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_hour [./src/util/time.js:58,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_day [./src/util/time.js:64,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_month [./src/util/time.js:70,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable round_to_year [./src/util/time.js:77,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable difference [./src/util/time.js:85,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_sorted [./src/util/array.js:12,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable is_sorted [./src/util/array.js:44,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable is_all_sorted [./src/util/array.js:56,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable contains [./src/util/array.js:79,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable index_of [./src/util/array.js:85,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable clear [./src/util/array.js:101,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_index [./src/util/array.js:120,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable insert [./src/util/array.js:137,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove [./src/util/array.js:151,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable push [./src/util/array.js:166,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable concat [./src/util/array.js:172,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable each [./src/util/array.js:193,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable map [./src/util/array.js:203,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable find_last [./src/util/array.js:258,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable all [./src/util/array.js:273,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable join [./src/util/array.js:300,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/set.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable has [./src/util/set.js:13,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable insert [./src/util/set.js:16,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable include [./src/util/set.js:27,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove [./src/util/set.js:35,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable exclude [./src/util/set.js:46,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable manifest [./src/chrome/common/manifest.js:4,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/chrome/common/ports.js:5,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_receive [./src/chrome/common/ports.js:58,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_close [./src/chrome/common/ports.js:62,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable send [./src/chrome/common/ports.js:65,13]

WARNING in common-client.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable noop [./src/util/dom.js:188,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_mouse_hover [./src/util/dom.js:193,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_mouse_hold [./src/util/dom.js:224,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_scroll [./src/util/dom.js:245,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_left_click [./src/util/dom.js:269,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_middle_click [./src/util/dom.js:286,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_right_click [./src/util/dom.js:302,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_focus [./src/util/dom.js:321,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable draggable [./src/util/dom.js:347,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable add_style [./src/util/dom.js:408,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable toggle_style [./src/util/dom.js:417,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_scroll [./src/util/dom.js:439,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable scroll_to [./src/util/dom.js:475,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_position [./src/util/dom.js:506,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable animate [./src/util/dom.js:516,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable toggle_visible [./src/util/dom.js:566,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_tooltip [./src/util/dom.js:588,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style [./src/util/dom.js:598,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_alt [./src/util/dom.js:637,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_url [./src/util/dom.js:655,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_target [./src/util/dom.js:690,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_value [./src/util/dom.js:708,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_change [./src/util/dom.js:747,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable toggle_checked [./src/util/dom.js:813,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_name [./src/util/dom.js:841,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_label [./src/util/dom.js:859,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable children [./src/util/dom.js:1010,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable stream [./src/util/dom.js:1024,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable gradient [./src/util/dom.js:1057,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable radial_gradient [./src/util/dom.js:1068,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable repeating_gradient [./src/util/dom.js:1079,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable hsl [./src/util/dom.js:1089,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable text_stroke [./src/util/dom.js:1097,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable floating [./src/util/dom.js:1104,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable row [./src/util/dom.js:1109,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable col [./src/util/dom.js:1115,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable stretch [./src/util/dom.js:1120,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable child [./src/util/dom.js:1127,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable parent [./src/util/dom.js:1130,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable label [./src/util/dom.js:1133,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable text [./src/util/dom.js:1137,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable select [./src/util/dom.js:1140,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable optgroup [./src/util/dom.js:1143,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable option [./src/util/dom.js:1146,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable image [./src/util/dom.js:1149,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable iframe [./src/util/dom.js:1152,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable button [./src/util/dom.js:1155,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable link [./src/util/dom.js:1158,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable table [./src/util/dom.js:1161,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable table_row [./src/util/dom.js:1164,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable table_cell [./src/util/dom.js:1167,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable checkbox [./src/util/dom.js:1170,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable radio [./src/util/dom.js:1179,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable search [./src/util/dom.js:1188,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable textbox [./src/util/dom.js:1205,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable push_root [./src/util/dom.js:1220,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_title [./src/util/dom.js:1225,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/sync/options.js:5,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable $running [./src/util/stream.js:6,12]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_list [./src/util/stream.js:60,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_sorted_list [./src/util/stream.js:68,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable map [./src/util/stream.js:77,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable current [./src/util/stream.js:108,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable insert [./src/util/stream.js:118,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable push [./src/util/stream.js:128,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove [./src/util/stream.js:139,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable clear [./src/util/stream.js:149,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable sorted_remove [./src/util/stream.js:187,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable sorted_update [./src/util/stream.js:205,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable $array [./src/util/string.js:2,12]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable pad_left [./src/util/string.js:5,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable pad_right [./src/util/string.js:14,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable uppercase [./src/util/string.js:23,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable lowercase [./src/util/string.js:26,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable replace [./src/util/string.js:29,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable match [./src/util/string.js:32,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable test [./src/util/string.js:35,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable split [./src/util/string.js:38,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable plural [./src/util/string.js:41,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable slice [./src/util/string.js:51,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable sort [./src/util/string.js:55,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_style [./src/util/dom/style.js:148,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable open [./src/chrome/client/ports.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_options [./src/client/sync/options-helper.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_animation [./src/util/dom/animate/css.js:97,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable animate [./src/util/dom/animate/css.js:131,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable batch_read [./src/util/dom/batch.js:35,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable batch_write [./src/util/dom/batch.js:40,13]

WARNING in panel.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_created [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_title [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:11,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update_groups [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:28,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update_tabs [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:33,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_group [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:39,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_tab [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:74,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_group_tab [./src/client/panel/logic/general.js:94,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable search [./src/client/panel/search/search.js:45,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable matches [./src/client/panel/search/search.js:85,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/dragging.js:11,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/client/panel/logic/sorted.js:15,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable top_inset [./src/client/panel/ui/common.js:5,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable top_shadow [./src/client/panel/ui/common.js:7,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_texture [./src/client/panel/ui/common.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable maybe [./src/client/panel/logic/groups.js:5,12]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/groups.js:18,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_group_name [./src/client/panel/logic/time.js:36,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable parse [./src/util/url.js:25,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable minify [./src/util/url.js:82,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/created.js:6,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/focused.js:15,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/tag.js:17,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/title.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/url.js:19,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/logic/sort/window.js:28,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui.js:26,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/group-list.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/group.js:12,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/search.js:17,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/tab.js:14,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/toolbar.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/panel/ui/top.js:12,13]

WARNING in server.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/chrome/server.js:11,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/migrate.js:91,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/options.js:6,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_popup [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:13,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove_popup [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:24,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable focus_popup [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:37,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable focus [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:56,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable close [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:60,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable move [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:66,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable maximize [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:76,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_size [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:80,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable open [./src/chrome/server/windows/popups.js:92,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable open [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:69,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable pin [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:104,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable unpin [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:111,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable move [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:118,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable focus [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:126,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable close [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:137,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable update_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:142,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:177,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:203,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable focus_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:235,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable replace_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:248,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable attach_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:271,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable move_tab [./src/chrome/server/windows/tabs.js:309,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/windows.js:18,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_click [./src/chrome/server/button.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_tooltip [./src/chrome/server/button.js:27,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_bubble_url [./src/chrome/server/button.js:39,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_text [./src/chrome/server/button.js:51,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable set_color [./src/chrome/server/button.js:63,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/chrome/server/db.js:29,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable on_open [./src/chrome/server/ports.js:27,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/chrome/server/windows.js:102,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable get_all [./src/chrome/server/windows/windows.js:86,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable open [./src/chrome/server/windows/windows.js:140,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_window [./src/chrome/server/windows/windows.js:198,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable remove_window [./src/chrome/server/windows/windows.js:226,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable focus_window [./src/chrome/server/windows/windows.js:252,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/counter.js:11,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make_options [./src/server/options-helper.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/popup.js:12,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable window_closing [./src/server/session.js:114,43]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/server/session.js:14,13]

WARNING in options.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable category [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:62,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable separator [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:83,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable row [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:89,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable horizontal_space [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:102,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable vertical_space [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:109,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable header [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:122,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable indent [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:135,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable stretch [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:143,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_dropdown [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:149,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_textbox [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:174,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_changed [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:192,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_invalid [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:197,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable style_icon [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:202,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable button [./src/client/options/ui/common.js:255,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/dropdown.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/checkbox.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/radio.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/textbox.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui.js:14,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/appearance.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/button.js:6,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/groups.js:9,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/keyboard.js:8,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/popup.js:17,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/tabs.js:10,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/categories/user-data.js:27,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable init [./src/client/options/ui/top.js:13,13]
PS L:\tab-organizer>

Here's the warning about hte OS when I run the Node Script a second time:

tab-organizer@5.0.0-beta build L:\tab-organizer npm install && webpack --colors --bail -p

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules\webpack\node_modules\watchpack\node_modules\chokidar\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.0: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
Hash: d100073ba128c7548f36
Version: webpack 1.13.1
Time: 6969ms
           Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
       common.js  23.8 kB       0  [emitted]  common
common-client.js  37.1 kB       1  [emitted]  common-client
        panel.js  51.2 kB       2  [emitted]  panel
       server.js  39.5 kB       3  [emitted]  server
      options.js  27.1 kB       4  [emitted]  options
    + 167 hidden modules

WARNING in common.js from UglifyJs
Side effects in initialization of unused variable run [./src/util/async.js:151,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable run_all [./src/util/async.js:157,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable ignore [./src/util/async.js:164,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable delay [./src/util/async.js:167,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable always [./src/util/mutable.js:32,13]
Side effects in initialization of unused variable make [./src/util/mutable.js:39,13]

Thanks again for your time and help ! :octocat:

Pauan commented 6 years ago

So could you tell me how I could build a non-minified version for me it will be a lot more easy to debug if problems arise since I'm not really familiar with node.js ? ❓

You can use npm run-script watch to build it non-minified.

The latest beta version that I build don't work on my system

What do you mean? What's the problem with it?

mikhoul commented 6 years ago

What do you mean? What's the problem with it?

Nothing was really working (blank panel without any tab) I could see the options page but nothing else was working. I think it was due to some errors with variables when the JS was minified.

Like I said previously I'm really new to Node.js so my understanding is that I did not use exactly the same setup as you (packages/modules version) and also I'm under Windows and you are under Mac so some feature dependency may not work exactly the same under Windows.

Now I've build a non minified version and like I was thinking it seem work fine now :smile:.

Could you add a build version CRX/zip version non minified in the build folder that you have builded yourself (we could be sure it work), this way user like me that like to try the very latest version could try it without installing the whole Node JS framework ? :question:

It would be very useful for more casual users, also it would give you more feedback at the same time.


The Menu button here don't work when I click on it nothing happen.

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Regards and thanks for your help. :octocat:

Pauan commented 6 years ago

I'm under Windows and you are under Mac so some feature dependency may not work exactly the same under Windows.

Actually I'm using Windows and Linux (not Mac), but you are right of course that the dependencies could be different.

Could you add a build version CRX/zip version non minified in the build folder that you have builded yourself (we could be sure it work), this way user like me that like to try the very latest version could try it without installing the whole Node JS framework ? ❓

I'll think about it, though I don't think it's very useful to try and ship an incomplete version.

The Menu button here don't work when I click on it nothing happen.

That's because I hadn't added in that feature yet.