Pauan / tab-organizer

Google Chrome Extension that makes it easier to manage many tabs!
MIT License
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issues with Tab Suspender #181

Open krem opened 6 years ago

krem commented 6 years ago

Hello, and thank you for your work!

Tab Organizer stops working along with Tab Suspender Actually it does not move tabs. I must re-enable Tab Organizer to get it live again. Also is it possible to re-read tab icons when they change state (yellow brush icon and original icon - like Session Buddy does)


Pauan commented 6 years ago

Hmm, I just tried it, and tab moving does work correctly. Could you explain more about what's not working for you?

As for re-reading tab icons, the tab icons are controlled entirely by Chrome, so I'm not sure if I can fix that.

krem commented 5 years ago

Actually, already suspended tabs wont move if you open Chromium (In my case) with both Tab Suspender and Tab Organizer enabled. Then If you reanable TabOrganizer - it seems it rereads tabs state and only then it is able to move suspended tabs. Also when it fails to move tabs - it creates duplicates of same tab in tabs lists and tabs lists fail to sync with actual tabs.