Closed Pauan closed 9 years ago
I'll try to fix this.
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-12 03:47:18
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-12 05:16:49
Okay, I found the cause. Every time a page loads "Options.js", it will overwrite "Options.addEventListener".
So, for instance, let's say you load up "window.html". It has now overwritten "Options.addEventListener"
to point to itself. Now, you load up "options.html", and it rewrites "Options.addEventListener"
to point to itself.
At this point, all events are being routed into a single "Options.addEventListener"
function, which means whenever a page is unloaded, poof everything disappears.
The problem is, every page is synced up with the Options function, and we're overwriting
properties on said function, which causes the property to change on every page!
I found a solution, but it involves creating a separate namespace for every URL, then
dynamically returning a function depending on the URL. This works, but I'm not sure
about the performance impact.
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-12 11:41:29
This issue was updated by revision d78ce61dd3.
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-12 11:41:58
The new solution used in revision 557dc15283 should work better. Either way, it looks
like this works properly now.
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-12 16:05:41
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-09-16 21:15:16
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2010-11-21 18:49:48
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2012-08-27 21:56:56
Reported by pcxunlimited
on 2012-08-27 23:44:47
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 34
Reported by
on 2010-09-12 03:43:40