Paul-DS / bootstrap-year-calendar

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !
Apache License 2.0
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Disable weekends and color them red #119

Open harikrishnan-u01 opened 7 years ago

harikrishnan-u01 commented 7 years ago

Hi Team,

I couldn't figure out an easy way to disable the weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and highlight them in red. The only option is to use "disabledDays" but it only accepts an array of Dates. This will be huge considering in my case, the user can navigate back and forth between years.

Also for middle east, the weekend will be Friday and Saturday.

Is it possible to re-implement the option: disabledWeekDays: [5, 6]

There was a similar issue opened before:

Thanks, Hari

William-H-M commented 7 years ago

Hi, if not wrong you just need to change the parameters of disabledWeekDays to [4,5] what will be Friday and Saturday for the styling i'm not sure, but probably those elements that are disabled have a specific and/or unique class that way you could identify them and set a background red

harikrishnan-u01 commented 7 years ago

disabledWeekDays : [4,5] does not have any effect. For styling (highlighting in red) I used "customDayRenderer" function and it worked like a charm.

Still waiting for a solution to disable Weekdays.

Paul-DS commented 7 years ago


This option is available only in the current version of the calendar (not released yet). If you want to use it without waiting for the next release, you have to download the last code version on GitHub.

adibbzaini commented 6 years ago

Hi harikrishnan-u01,

How did you do with the "customDayRenderer" function if you have a lot of weekends. I'm stuck currently with how to put many dates in the function. It will be great if you can help me out. Thank you