Paul-DS / bootstrap-year-calendar

[DEPRECATED] A fully customizable year calendar widget, for boostrap !
Apache License 2.0
294 stars 243 forks source link

I'm lost. A working example, please? #228

Open ctshh opened 5 years ago

ctshh commented 5 years ago

I love the project. But I fail to install any of the examples as the events/the data is simply never shown.

Could someone please provide a simple, archived version* of the html, the css, the .js and everything else needed to simply unpack-and-run an example? I'd be very grateful. Thanks!

*) no crud, nothing around the calendar, just a plain calendar view with two or three example events.

William-H-M commented 5 years ago

You can follow up #136 there are other issue and an example codide attached

This can be closed as a duplicate