Paul-Dempsey / harkive

A Windows CLI to manage presets for Haken EaganMatrix synths
MIT License
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[Feature request] Linux version possible? #4

Open Pastitas opened 5 months ago

Pastitas commented 5 months ago

If this is not using any specific windows libraries (I don't know why it would need them but I'm not sure) Would it be possible to build it for linux? Thanks!

Paul-Dempsey commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the interest!

See the cargo.toml: this is completely dependent on Windows. It directly uses the WinRT MIDI APIs, so it cannot be built for Linux or Mac.

I've abandoned Harkive to focus on the VCV Rack HC-One plugin. I never got Harkive working reliably (and not happy with the structure). From working on the Rack plugin, I think I understand now how to get past most of the reliability issues I was having with Harkive.

A Linux port would likely not face some of the issues I was having on Windows (plus a pending Haken firmware update in the next month or so will resolve the main Windows issues).

For the Osmose, EE added preset backup to it's software, so that's taken a chunk of the Harkive use cases off the table.

If I come back to look at the functionality that Harkive attempted to provide, I'm likely to start over with a new project in C++ or Zig. (The Rust borrow checker wore me down and became a productivity killer for me).

I'll be re-evaluating my EM projects after I return from ContinuuCon 2024.

Pastitas commented 5 months ago

That's fair enough, thanks for publishing your work so far! I'd assume that, in order to do what this (and the vcvrack plugin) do you had to reverse engineer a bit of the midi protocol used by the haken engine, is there docs of that anywhere?

Paul-Dempsey commented 5 months ago

Most of the MIDI protocol is documented in the Continuum User Guide. Some things I've reverse-engineered. I've also had access to some internal information Lippold generously shared with me.