PaulAnnekov / tuyaha

Implements the special Tuya Home Assistant API.
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Tuya switch component works, but the toggle does not keep its state #3

Closed niladam closed 4 years ago

niladam commented 4 years ago

Hello. I'm merely mirroring the issue #25992 that i posted on the home-assistant's issues as i think linking between them might catch more attraction to this.

Also, it appears that i'm not the only one affected by this according to this post on HA community.

EDIT: Ooops. I totally forgot to thank you for your work! -- what a jackass i am!

--- BEGIN COPY ---

Home Assistant release with the issue: 0.97.2

Last working Home Assistant release (if known): Unknown.

Operating environment ( Ubuntu, 18.04.


Description of problem: The switching on/off works, but the state of the toggle gets reset (eg: I turn on the light, the light gets turned on, but the toggle reverts to the off state)

Problem-relevant configuration.yaml entries and (fill out even if it seems unimportant):

  username: phone_number
  password: password
  country_code: countrycode
  platform: smart_life

Traceback (if applicable): none.

Additional information:

No errors in any logs.

chetcuti commented 4 years ago

I'm having the exact same issue with Tuya switches (Tuya bulbs seem to be working fine) which started about 30 hours ago. When I start HA everything displays properly in the UI, but then slowly every Tuya switch toggle turns off, and the states section of the UI shows them as off, even though the actual switches themselves stay on. If I check the Tuya app the states are correct. Here's a screencast of what happens after a reboot:

I first started experiencing this on v0.95.4 running in a Proxmox VM (which had previously been working fine for over a month and a half). I then upgraded to v0.97.2 and the problem persisted. I then tried installing v0.97.2 on a completely new Proxmox VM and only set up two Tuya switches for testing purposes, and the problem remained. I also tried using the VM file from the recommended installation steps and used that on my local computer in VirtualBox, with the same two switches as my previous test, and yet again this odd problem persisted.

As a test I turned on debug logging and restarted HA, and after everything started up, about 25 seconds later the two Tuya switch toggles shut themselves off, and these entries were recorded in the log.

2019-08-16 11:30:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1, old_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1=on; friendly_name=Switch 1 @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.264659-07:00>, new_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1=off; friendly_name=Switch 1 @ 2019-08-16T11:30:30.686297-07:00>>

2019-08-16 11:30:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.140484409570768] Sending {'id': 2, 'type': 'event', 'event': <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1, old_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1=on; friendly_name=Switch 1 @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.264659-07:00>, new_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1=off; friendly_name=Switch 1 @ 2019-08-16T11:30:30.686297-07:00>>}

2019-08-16 11:30:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2, old_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2=on; friendly_name=Switch 2 @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.265471-07:00>, new_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2=off; friendly_name=Switch 2 @ 2019-08-16T11:30:31.370631-07:00>>

2019-08-16 11:30:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=group.all_switches, old_state=<state group.all_switches=on; entity_id=('switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1', 'switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2'), order=0, auto=True, friendly_name=all switches, hidden=True @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.268424-07:00>, new_state=<state group.all_switches=off; entity_id=('switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1', 'switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2'), order=0, auto=True, friendly_name=all switches, hidden=True @ 2019-08-16T11:30:31.371626-07:00>>

2019-08-16 11:30:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.140484409570768] Sending {'id': 2, 'type': 'event', 'event': <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2, old_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2=on; friendly_name=Switch 2 @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.265471-07:00>, new_state=<state switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2=off; friendly_name=Switch 2 @ 2019-08-16T11:30:31.370631-07:00>>}

2019-08-16 11:30:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection.140484409570768] Sending {'id': 2, 'type': 'event', 'event': <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=group.all_switches, old_state=<state group.all_switches=on; entity_id=('switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1', 'switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2'), order=0, auto=True, friendly_name=all switches, hidden=True @ 2019-08-16T11:29:59.268424-07:00>, new_state=<state group.all_switches=off; entity_id=('switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_1', 'switch.03487135cc50e3cb9eaa_2'), order=0, auto=True, friendly_name=all switches, hidden=True @ 2019-08-16T11:30:31.371626-07:00>>}

Additional Notes:

niladam commented 4 years ago

@chetcuti - thank you for your really good report! I'm hoping someone picks this up and we'll be able to sort it out.

IMHO, to me it sounds like this is an API change and/or modification..

slim0287 commented 4 years ago

I have this same issue, but only with Tuya smart plugs with multiple sockets. When I change an outlet to "on," the outlet turns on but a few seconds later the Home Assistant representation of the switch state turns back to off. The outlet remains on. I'm using version 0.97.2 and I suspect it has something to do with a firmware update to the smart plug itself rather than some change in Home Assistant. The single socket smart plugs work fine. I really do hope the keepers of the tuya component in home assistant can address the issue.

niladam commented 4 years ago

@slim0287 - actually, the discussion is waaay longer and it appears that it's not just the dual socket switches but other type of appliances as well. The discussion (#25992) is longer if you want to have a look on the main home assistant issues tracker.

slim0287 commented 4 years ago

@niladam Thanks, I left basically the same comment over on thread #25992 as well.

niladam commented 4 years ago

@slim0287 - yeah. I just noticed that after i posted my reply. Please ignore it :)

RXM307 commented 4 years ago

Looks like the API has changed looking at the Cloudurl in the code points to ( & skill) Which appear to be getting HTTP 404 instead of @polyedre over at polyedre/tuya-lan looks to be having some success accessing the new API's

PaulAnnekov commented 4 years ago

I will explain you what happened. TL;DR tuya has broken their Home Assistant API, but I know to make a workaround. Estimation: next week.

When you toggle your tuya switch via HA UI, this lib sends a turnOnOff command to https://px1.tuya[country code].com/homeassistant/skill. After that HA requests state update ( and tuyaha sends a QueryDevice command to the same url. In response it gets: {..., "data": {"online": true, "state": true}, ...}. But several days ago it started to return {..., "data": {"online": true}, ...}. As you can see, state has disappered. Now UI can't determine the state and shows it as off (

As Tuya ignores our emails, it's nearly impossible to make them fix this bug. As a workaround, on update I will ask for Discovery ( This command returns a list of all devices with the same data field, but it still contains state :confetti_ball: .

@RXM307 tuya created a special API for Home Assistant long time ago. It's still working, but they broke it a bit recently. is an API for OEMs and it's hard to use it by end-user. Just check how to get credentials to authorize 😱.

slim0287 commented 4 years ago

Paul, First off, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to sort out a fix. Please excuse the uninformed question, when you write "As a workaround, on update I will..." does this mean we'll have it fixed in HA 0.97.3?

tbkon3 commented 4 years ago

Hassio 0.97.2

Same for me, i do a lot of test and i see that: if i remove component, reboot hassio, reconfigure component, reboot hassio, all devices takes the correct states for about 10/15 seconds and then they come back to be "off"

aidbish commented 4 years ago

Ha beta 0.98 has just been released and will go into production 1week later. The Dev needs to get the pr in soon

niladam commented 4 years ago

@PaulAnnekov - thank you for your work buddy! I managed to find a really quick and dirty fix for this and i've created a pull request for it.

The solution has been posted onto the initial HA issue.

OptimusGREEN commented 4 years ago

For anyone using hassio the easiest solution is to download the new version from here and extract it. Inside there is a tuya folder.

in your config directory, create a custom_components directory if you don't already have one and copy the extracted tuya folder over to custom_components and restart. that is it.

BreBar07 commented 4 years ago

@OptimusGREEN I have tried your solution for hassio and doesn’t work for me...

OptimusGREEN commented 4 years ago

@OptimusGREEN I have tried your solution for hassio and doesn’t work for me...


this is how it looks? make sure its the tuyaha folder and not the tuyaha-0.0.3 one

chetcuti commented 4 years ago

I'm on v0.97.2 and setting this up as a custom component doesn't work for me either. So far the only fix that's worked is @niladam's code here that you replace the contents of /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tuyaha/devices/ with.

Unfortunately the above fix doesn't seem to be permanent though, at least not for me. I can restart without issue (hassio ha restart), but if I completely shutdown the Proxmox VM that runs on and then restart it, I need to redo the fix. I rarely have to shut the VM down though so it's not really a big deal, especially since the next version of will have the permanent fix implemented.

OptimusGREEN commented 4 years ago

sorry, I had posted the wrong link. the correct link is here

extract the tuya folder and copy it into custom_components

BreBar07 commented 4 years ago

@OptimusGREEN champion mine is now working on hassio! Thanks alot!

slim0287 commented 4 years ago

@OptimusGREEN Your solution works great for hassio on my Pi. Let me ask, when they release HA 0.98, should I delete this custom component before I upgrade? I'm presuming Tuyha will be fixed in HA 0.98.

OptimusGREEN commented 4 years ago

@OptimusGREEN Your solution works great for hassio on my Pi. Let me ask, when they release HA 0.98, should I delete this custom component before I upgrade? I'm presuming Tuyha will be fixed in HA 0.98.

it'll use the custom over the standard so you might as well delete it as both will be the same.

chetcuti commented 4 years ago

Thanks @OptimusGREEN! The new link you posted works perfectly when setup as a custom component.

jasonalsing commented 4 years ago

I was able to get this fixed with the custom component and the official fix in .98 but the "Better Fix" seems to have re-broken my installation on .98.2

Reverted to .98.1 and all is ok.

slim0287 commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue with 0.98.2, the tuya component stopped working whereas it worked in 0.98 and 0.98.1. So, I kept 0.98.2 but I put a custom_component back in to fix tuya.

Martin781 commented 4 years ago

Same here. It doesn't retain the actual state always shows off with 0.98.2. The switch itself toggles though.

PaulAnnekov commented 4 years ago


zolabus commented 4 years ago

where can i find the folder to modify? I cannot in the path specified