PaulC91 / shinyauthr

R package with shiny authentication modules
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Additional info in the login box #38

Closed aavanesy closed 4 years ago

aavanesy commented 4 years ago


I am using the package and it works just perfect, thank you a lot.

Is there an option to add some extra HTML under the login menu?


Something like: if you forgot your password please contact us at

To be just under or somewhere on this screen.

Thank you

PaulC91 commented 4 years ago

Hey nice idea. Just added an additional_ui argument to loginUI() that will add extra UI elements below the login button, if supplied, like so:

loginUI(id = "login", additional_ui = tags$p("some more information here", class = "text-center"))

If you want to add more than one element wrap them all in tagList().

Let me know if that's what you were looking for! (you'll need to reinstall the package first)

aavanesy commented 4 years ago


I will test this shortly and revert.

Thank you a lot!