Closed alexsilve closed 5 years ago
Hi. I won't be able to help without seeing any of your code. If you could post a minimal example I'll try and diagnose the issue. Thanks.
thanks for your reply. I used a work-around. Basically I edit modalDialog footer as footer = tagList(shiny::actionButton("logout-button", "Yes", class = "btn-danger", style = "color: white;") in shiny server and add observeEvent(input$"logout-button",{ removeModal() })
Anyway, a great package. Really help me a lot. Thanks again.
Glad to hear you found a solution and thanks for the kind words!
Hi Paul, I am trying to configure your logout.R to add a pop-out window. What I want to achieve is to transfer current log-out button to a modal button and then logout by activating an actionbutton added to modalDialog. But what I got is a pop-out window when log-in. Could you tell me which part I should change? I must added to the wrong location.
Thanks a lot.