PaulDFoster / pxt-microbit-GY521

A PXT package for the Microbit to drive a MPU-6050 (GY-521)
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Validate the use of division operator in this package for MakeCode update #6

Closed abchatra closed 5 years ago

abchatra commented 5 years ago

MakeCode for the micro:bit update is coming soon. Part of the update is floating point support. Existing MakeCode website supports only integer division which means 1/2 = 0 With this update 1/2 = 0.5

Action for you: We have automatically detected this package uses division operator. Please take one of the following actions

You can test your package on the update here:

All the details on the update:

div found in CurrentBestmain.ts

PaulDFoster commented 5 years ago

I'll retest on robot but this feature is a valid addition!