PaulDanielML / MuJoCo_RL_UR5

A MuJoCo/Gym environment for robot control using Reinforcement Learning. The task of agents in this environment is pixel-wise prediction of grasp success chances.
MIT License
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module 'ikpy' has no attribute 'chain' #12

Open eEthan1-chen opened 2 years ago

eEthan1-chen commented 2 years ago

When I run, the following error is generated.I tried to lower the ikpy version to 3.1 and still got the error.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/eEthan1/PycharmProjects/RL_UR5/", line 4, in controller = MJ_Controller() File "C:\Users\eEthan1\PycharmProjects\RL_UR5\gym_grasper\controller\", line 47, in init self.ee_chain = ikpy.chain.Chain.from_urdf_file(path + "/UR5+gripper/ur5_gripper.urdf") AttributeError: module 'ikpy' has no attribute 'chain'

eEthan1-chen commented 2 years ago

i have changed my ikpy version into 3.1 ,but it still dont work

Cyqxxn commented 2 years ago

I changed line 13 in, from 'import ikpy" to 'import ikpy.chain import ikpy.inverse_kinematics import', and it worked.