PaulFreund / i2x

IRC to XMPP Adapter without MUC
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Hangouts kills off Jabber #4

Closed maconbot closed 9 years ago

maconbot commented 9 years ago

I was reading this article:

Which breaks down that google talk, can still sometimes reference jabber services through hangout but if it is a new user to hangouts jabber support is removed.

Will this code still work if that is the case?

If looking to update I found this library which seems to be based on the proprietary hangout integration going forward.

PaulFreund commented 9 years ago

About a half a year ago (I think) I completely stopped using online messangers. I enjoyed working on bridging between networks ( but as the userbase is clearly with the big players (Facebook Messanger, Google Hangouts, Skype) and all of them now have proprietary closed protocols which makes bridging either impossible or an act of reverse engineering (which normally is against the TOS).

This code (or the code in neo.js) could theoretically be updated to support hangouts but I won't do it, sorry

maconbot commented 9 years ago

I get it. I suppose I am where you were 6 months ago. Out of curiosity, if you've stopped using online messengers, what do you use now to accomplish what the messengers did for you back then?

PaulFreund commented 9 years ago

For larger conversations I use IRC and for everything else SMS (Flatrate) and sometimes E-Mails. It really makes things easier. I don't have to rely being online all the time to not miss something and if I'm online people can see me in IRC. As an extra I get longer mobile runtimes without charging ;)