PaulHax / spin-controls

Arcball style controls for three.js Object3Ds and Cameras. Featuring pointer to trackball accuracy and unlimited rotation.
MIT License
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I can not set cameraSpinControls.enableRotate but i find a other way to do this #16

Closed Yty202020 closed 3 years ago

Yty202020 commented 3 years ago

hi brother im a chinese amateur coder and my english is so poor i am glad to find your nice puglin but when i use the CameraSpinControls.js and want to disable the rotatecontrol for camera i find it didn't work then i read your code the member-var 'enableRotate' no effect

but i find change this line i could stop the rotate scope.spinControl.rotateSensitivity *= 0; // Negated it to pull camera around sphere as if sphere is fixed.

PaulHax commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting this bug and kudos for finding a workaround. Another workaround option: cameraSpinControl.spinControl.enabled = false;