PaulJohannFlade / Capstone_ClanPlan
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Recurring Task - edit #54

Open SwethaJanardhana opened 2 months ago

SwethaJanardhana commented 2 months ago

Recurring Task - edit

Value Proposition

As a family member,

I want to be able to edit and update recurring tasks ,

so that I can automate the process of scheduling repetitive tasks more efficiently



When user selects repeat then endDate has to be selected until when the task has to repeat and by default it is set to today.

Acceptance Criteria


ahohnsen commented 2 months ago

A cool feature! 👍🏼

Could you detail what happens when each of the three buttons is clicked? Except for the 'no' button, which saves data, what additional actions occur? Are users redirected to the overview or elsewhere? What happens if 'no' is chosen? Does it return users to the editing view?

ahohnsen commented 2 months ago

Apologies, perhaps I wasn't specific enough: The actions that occur when these buttons are clicked should be described more thoroughly in the acceptance criteria. Generally, all possible user interactions should be detailed in the acceptance criteria (and then, of course, without technical details/terms). 🙂