PaulSpence / Denman2024Voyage

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Denman Region subsurface shelf water temp correlations #15

Open PaulSpence opened 3 years ago

PaulSpence commented 3 years ago

The idea here is to look for correlations of subsurface temp variability in Denman region with other vars (e.g. SACCF and taux=0 position). In particular, follow advice (LHB) that Denman shelf water temp variability is associated with meridional shifts in the Southern ACC Front (see issue here: and the position of zero wind speed or stress (see issue here:

PaulSpence commented 3 years ago

Annual mean temperature variability (depth and area averaged) in Denman region in IAF cycle 2 and 3 of ACCESS-om2-01. Below shows two depth range averages ... with little difference between them in terms of variability. Also not much evidence of decadal variability.

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PaulSpence commented 2 years ago

I would expect the shelf temp variability to be negatively correlated with the SACCF latitude (southward latitude shifts are -ve) i.e. A warmer shelf is correlated with a southward shifting SACCF. Surprisingly, I find a positive correlation (warming shelf with northward shifting SACCF):

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PaulSpence commented 2 years ago

I find little relationship between the zero wind stress latitude offshore and Denman shelf temp:

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PaulSpence commented 2 years ago

These Denman results are in stark contrast to the correlations I see in the Amundsen/Bellingshausen region, where the shelf temp is strongly negatively correlated (r<-0.8) with the SACCF and zero wind stress latitude offshore in these models.