PaulSpence / Denman2024Voyage

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Ocean model output in support of Denman Terrestrial Campaign #18

Open mmr0 opened 10 months ago

mmr0 commented 10 months ago

What do we expect to see at our Shackleton sampling/mooring site?

Wish list for pre-departure

Ideas for later

When? Campaign is early Jan, so summer data is most relevant. Would be interested to see summer vs winter perhaps?

Brief summary of the Hot Water Drilling: One borehole through the Shackleton Ice Shelf, near the western flank of the Denman Ice Shelf. Ice approx 200m thick, water column total depth ~600m, TBC. Data sampling will include CTD profiling, water sample collection, video logging and sediment collection. Following profiling, we will deploy a mooring with 2 x CTD (one near ice-ocean interface and one near seafloor, sampling @ 10 minute intervals) and 1 x current meter (near ice-ocean interface, sampling @ 30 minute intervals), and a distributed temperature sensing (DTS) fibre optic cable which will give meter-resolution temperature through both the ice and water column. Expected endurance of the ocean instruments is ~ 3 years. DTS data will be 1 year. At the surface, an APRES will collect basal melt rate data.

What do we expect to see near Duanne's epishelf lake sites?

Wish list:

Any help on any of these would be amazing!!

mmr0 commented 10 months ago

Box 1 lats = array([-65.4987, -65.7091, -65.6935, -65.4519]) lons = array([97.8152, 97.8152, 98.2762, 98.2574])

Box 2 lats = array([-65.3273, -65.5688, -65.561 , -65.2961]) lons = array([98.5867, 98.6337, 99.1606, 99.123 ])

claireyung commented 10 months ago

Some ACCESS-OM2-01 IAF Cycle 4 T-S Diagrams

Map: image

T-S over 2000-2018 (monthly data): image

Only Januarys: image

Looks like some CDW coming in in Box2 but not in Box1?

yuhang559 commented 10 months ago

MITgcm, RYF (1990-91), BedMachine bathymetry Map: (be careful the depth is the ocean depth or the ocean thickness - there is an ice shelf on the top of the ocean layer in the ice shelf region.) Denman region campain TS diagrams: Jan box1 Jan box2 Looks water masses in MITgcm are much colder than ACCESS :)

mmr0 commented 10 months ago

Yiew, thanks @claireyung @yuhang559, this is awesome! Yeah it looks like Boxes 1 and 2 are pretty similar except for Box 1 being much shallower and excluding CDW in ACCESS and mostly excluding it in MITgcm. We definitely didn't catch any ISW haha. How do I interpret all this near-freezing point fresher water in MITgcm e.g. in Box 2 in Jan? is this freshwater from melted sea ice?

mmr0 commented 10 months ago

Some papers:

Ribiero et al 2023 - Change in watermass properties east of Shackleton from historical -> recent data

Van Wijk 2022 - CDW observed in trough in front of/adjacent to Denman Ice Tongue from profiling floats

Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 10 30 48 am

Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 10 32 16 am

yuhang559 commented 10 months ago

Yiew, thanks @claireyung @yuhang559, this is awesome! Yeah it looks like Boxes 1 and 2 are pretty similar except for Box 1 being much shallower and excluding CDW in ACCESS and mostly excluding it in MITgcm. We definitely didn't catch any ISW haha. How do I interpret all this near-freezing point fresher water in MITgcm e.g. in Box 2 in Jan? is this freshwater from melted sea ice?

Yes, the freshwater in MITgcm is both from the sea ice and the melting of the ice shelf.

yuhang559 commented 10 months ago

MITgcm(RYF, tides) Current speed and two summer sections

Velocity map: fig1

Velocity-depth figure (white circle in velocity map): Our model includes the tides, but we only save the monthly mean data, so it probably can't capture the tide variability and the velocity-depth figure shows the velocity is highly sensitive to the position of the dots. 1112vbox14

TS diagram sections: To plot it conveniently, I interpolated the matrix, so section 1 and section 2 look in different resolutions. TSsection

mmr0 commented 10 months ago

Thanks so much Yuhang, this is super useful!

MITgcm(RYF, tides) Current speed and two summer sections

Velocity map: fig1

Velocity-depth figure (white circle in velocity map): Our model includes the tides, but we only save the monthly mean data, so it probably can't capture the tide variability and the velocity-depth figure shows the velocity is highly sensitive to the position of the dots. 1112vbox14

TS diagram sections: To plot it conveniently, I interpolated the matrix, so section 1 and section 2 look in different resolutions. TSsection