Would you like some additional functionality to audio library. Something like below.so that it would appear as music audio loop sampler device... hints
1.Add playback repeat mode function to SD player like
playWav1.playAndRepeat(file name);
File will be start play without latency & being repeated endless until receive Stop command.
2.add. playback speed function to SD player at running file like below.
Where variable (SPEED) should be 1.00 for normal speed SPEED--; should be
( 1.00,0.98,0.97........to..0.10)
SPEED++; should be
(1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04.......to..2.00)
3.Add pitch function to SD player. Like
Where variable (PITCH) should be 0 for normal pitch . up & down range in semitones
(-12 .....0.......12).
Would you like some additional functionality to audio library. Something like below.so that it would appear as music audio loop sampler device... hints .. 1.Add playback repeat mode function to SD player like playWav1.playAndRepeat(file name);
File will be start play without latency & being repeated endless until receive Stop command.
2.add. playback speed function to SD player at running file like below. playWav1.setSpeed(SPEED); Where variable (SPEED) should be 1.00 for normal speed SPEED--; should be
( 1.00,0.98,0.97........to..0.10) SPEED++; should be (1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.04.......to..2.00)
3.Add pitch function to SD player. Like
playwav1.setPitch(PITCH); Where variable (PITCH) should be 0 for normal pitch . up & down range in semitones (-12 .....0.......12).
Thank you....