PaulStoffregen / Encoder

Quadrature Encoder Library for Arduino
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Teensy 3.2 / LCDMenuLib2 / Rotary Encoder Interrupts #41

Closed medienverbinder closed 5 years ago

medienverbinder commented 5 years ago

With the Arduino IDE 1.8.9 and Tinsyduino 1.46 I uploaded the example from the LCDMenuLib2 library on a Teensy 3.2.


With the help of an Oled Display SSD1306 (i2C) the menu from the example can be displayed, but the Rotary Encoder only works if I consider the option:


(I have deactivated the interrupts from the example >>here<<)

Navigating with the Rotary Encoder without interrupts will (of course) "forget" some steps and the navigation will be almost unusable.

Does anyone know a workaround so that the interrupts can be used or does anyone have a suggestion why the navigation doesn't work anymore when the interrupts are activated?

(Same setup on basis of a Node MCU (ESP8266) and the adjustment from the Issue 40 works fine.)

medienverbinder commented 5 years ago

Issue was answered here: Teensy 3.2 / LCDMenuLib2 / Rotary Encoder Interrupts #47