Hi, I use the Ethernet lib featured by Arduino with the W5500 Arduino Official Ethernet Shield II
I notice that client.stop is slow... I found that Ethernet.socketStatus(sockindex) == SnSR::CLOSED never append.
So I change the function to do not wait until Ethernet.socketStatus(sockindex) == SnSR::CLOSED and it's works fine.
`void EthernetClient::stop() {
if (sockindex >= MAX_SOCK_NUM) return;
// attempt to close the connection gracefully (send a FIN to other side)
// Waiting for the connection to close is useless and VERY SLOW !
// wait up to a second for the connection to close
unsigned long start = millis();
do {
if (Ethernet.socketStatus(sockindex) == SnSR::CLOSED) {
sockindex = MAX_SOCK_NUM;
return; // exit the loop
} while (millis() - start < _timeout);
// if it hasn't closed, close it forcefully
sockindex = MAX_SOCK_NUM;
Also, I notice that there are several TODO in your library files (Ethernet, EthernetClient, EthernetServer, Socket, W5100...)
Does the Ethernet library is up to date on Arduino website ?
Hi, I use the Ethernet lib featured by Arduino with the W5500 Arduino Official Ethernet Shield II
I notice that client.stop is slow... I found that Ethernet.socketStatus(sockindex) == SnSR::CLOSED never append.
So I change the function to do not wait until Ethernet.socketStatus(sockindex) == SnSR::CLOSED and it's works fine.
`void EthernetClient::stop() { if (sockindex >= MAX_SOCK_NUM) return; // attempt to close the connection gracefully (send a FIN to other side) Ethernet.socketDisconnect(sockindex);
Also, I notice that there are several TODO in your library files (Ethernet, EthernetClient, EthernetServer, Socket, W5100...)
Does the Ethernet library is up to date on Arduino website ?
Bests regards.