PaulStoffregen / ILI9341_t3

Optimized ILI9341 TFT Library
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gradients, low BPP bitmaps, string pixel length #24

Closed softegg closed 7 years ago

softegg commented 8 years ago

Additional graphics routines by Tim Trzepacz, SoftEgg LLC added December 2015 (And then accidentally deleted and rewritten March 2016. Oops!)

(Needs patch-2 also.)

Gradient support fillRectVGradient - fills area with vertical gradient fillRectHGradient - fills area with horizontal gradient fillScreenVGradient - fills screen with vertical gradient fillScreenHGradient - fills screen with horizontal gradient

Additional Color Support color565toRGB - converts 565 format 16 bit color to RGB color565toRGB14 - converts 16 bit 565 format color to 14 bit RGB (2 bits clear for math and sign) RGB14tocolor565 - converts 14 bit RGB back to 16 bit 565 format color

Low Memory Bitmap Support writeRect8BPP - write 8 bit per pixel paletted bitmap writeRect4BPP - write 4 bit per pixel paletted bitmap writeRect2BPP - write 2 bit per pixel paletted bitmap writeRect1BPP - write 1 bit per pixel paletted bitmap

TODO: transparent bitmap writing routines for sprites

String Pixel Length support strPixelLen - gets pixel length of given ASCII string

PaulStoffregen commented 7 years ago

oh, here's that missing code. :)