PaulStoffregen / ILI9341_t3

Optimized ILI9341 TFT Library
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Merge ili9341_t3n updates into ili9341_t3 library. #41

Closed KurtE closed 4 years ago

KurtE commented 7 years ago

The changes include things like: Allow you to setup drawing offsets. Allow you to setup clipping rectangle Opaque font character drawing. Fix for readRect? Why mine needs 0x3f instead of 0x00? not sure...

Also More support for partial pins...

Works with only one hardware CS pin must be used for DC.

Also if MOSI and SCK are valid but MISO is not, it still runs, but input functions will fail.

Also if any of the pins are 0xff or 255, they will simply default to the current defined SPI pins.

Note: It appears to grow the library about 2K, at least on T3.6 compile of graphic test went from 49568 to 51760.

Performance appears pretty close: Master: ILI9341 Test! Display Power Mode: 0xCE MADCTL Mode: 0x24 Pixel Format: 0x2 Image Format: 0x0 Self Diagnostic: 0xE0 Benchmark Time (microseconds) Screen fill 224745 Text 11343 Lines 58362 Horiz/Vert Lines 18380 Rectangles (outline) 11682 Rectangles (filled) 461662 Circles (filled) 69356 Circles (outline) 53750 Triangles (outline) 14108 Triangles (filled) 153772 Rounded rects (outline) 24568 Rounded rects (filled) 504122 Done!

With these changes: ILI9341 Test! Display Power Mode: 0xCE MADCTL Mode: 0x24 Pixel Format: 0x2 Image Format: 0x0 Self Diagnostic: 0x0 Benchmark Time (microseconds) Screen fill 224829 Text 11437 Lines 58381 Horiz/Vert Lines 18387 Rectangles (outline) 11632 Rectangles (filled) 461877 Circles (filled) 69604 Circles (outline) 53872 Triangles (outline) 14118 Triangles (filled) 153938 Rounded rects (outline) 24619 Rounded rects (filled) 504348 Done!

KurtE commented 4 years ago

This PR is probably way too old now...

Can rework if wanted....