Added functions to allow for faster barometer reads, and set overSampleRate. Used some of Mjs513's suggested changes, like setting local baro pressure, etc, plus added a few more. These changes let you to start an altitude calculation in your code with toggleOneShot() prior to calling readOneShotAlt() , which allows your code to do something else while waiting for altitude results. Since faster readings require less oversampling, a new kalman filter for altitude was added. In the Attitude_AltitudeData2 example, a circular buffer also helps filter the altitude readings. A few typo edits were made to NXPSensorRegisters.h. A rocket image for the .pde orientation view was added, which displays the altitude and attitude of your board.
Added functions to allow for faster barometer reads, and set overSampleRate. Used some of Mjs513's suggested changes, like setting local baro pressure, etc, plus added a few more. These changes let you to start an altitude calculation in your code with toggleOneShot() prior to calling readOneShotAlt() , which allows your code to do something else while waiting for altitude results. Since faster readings require less oversampling, a new kalman filter for altitude was added. In the Attitude_AltitudeData2 example, a circular buffer also helps filter the altitude readings. A few typo edits were made to NXPSensorRegisters.h. A rocket image for the .pde orientation view was added, which displays the altitude and attitude of your board.