PaulStoffregen / OneWire

Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
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ESP32 compile error with arduino-esp32 v2.0.0-rc1 (error: 'rtc_gpio_desc' was not declared in this scope) #100

Closed avillacis closed 2 years ago

avillacis commented 2 years ago


The OneWire library (latest version 2.3.5) fails to compile with arduino-esp32 v2.0.0-rc1 due to undeclared symbol 'rtc_gpio_desc'. This symbol apparently does not exist anymore under arduino-esp32 v2.0.0-rc1, and has been renamed to rtc_io_desc.

Steps To Reproduce Problem

  1. Install Arduino IDE
  2. Install ESP32 support for Arduino, 2.0.0-rc1 (required for ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3 support)
  3. Install this library and some library requiring it
  4. Compile any sketch that pulls OneWire (no need to flash anything, as this is a compile issue)

Hardware & Software

Board: ESP32 (YUBOX) Arduino IDE version: 1.8.15 Teensyduino version (if using Teensy) Version info & package name (from Tools > Boards > Board Manager): esp32 by Espressif systems v2.0.0-rc1 Operating system & version: Fedora 34 x86_64 Any other software or hardware?

Arduino Sketch

#include <Arduino.h>
// Pulling header file is enough to trigger the compile error
#include <OneWire.h>

void setup() {
// No code required to trigger error

void loop() {
// No code required to trigger error

Errors or Incorrect Output

In file included from /home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/OneWire.cpp:144:
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h: In function 'void directModeInput(uint32_t)':
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:161:26: error: 'rtc_gpio_desc' was not declared in this scope
         uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg);
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:161:26: note: suggested alternative: 'rtc_io_desc'
         uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg);
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h: In function 'void directModeOutput(uint32_t)':
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:189:26: error: 'rtc_gpio_desc' was not declared in this scope
         uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg);
/home/alex/Arduino/libraries/OneWire/util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:189:26: note: suggested alternative: 'rtc_io_desc'
         uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg);
lpotter commented 2 years ago

I am seeing this as well.

LordIkol commented 2 years ago

first of all big thanks for reporting this. I have the same issue with NodeMCU ESP-32S Board.

Find rtc_gpio_desc replace with rtc_io_desc in the OneWire_direct_gpio.h file solved the issue

Ralms commented 2 years ago

first of all big thanks for reporting this. I have the same issue with NodeMCU ESP-32S Board.

Find rtc_gpio_desc replace with rtc_io_desc in the OneWire_direct_gpio.h file solved the issue

This worked for me on an ExpressIf ESP32-S2-WROVER.

Edit: Ok, it did not work. Although this allowed the code to compile, it broke OneWire functionality such as reading DS18B20 sensors. The problem is only with V2.0.0-rc1, as going back to 1.0.6, I was able to read the temperatures from the sensors straight away without any changes.

avillacis commented 2 years ago

This worked for me on an ExpressIf ESP32-S2-WROVER.

Edit: Ok, it did not work. Although this allowed the code to compile, it broke OneWire functionality such as reading DS18B20 sensors. The problem is only with V2.0.0-rc1, as going back to 1.0.6, I was able to read the temperatures from the sensors straight away without any changes.

@Ralms Are you sure this was a ESP32-S2 board? The 1.0.6 version of Arduino-ESP32 does not ship support for the S2. Maybe you meant an ESP32-WROVER (no -S2).

The stable 2.0.0 version of Arduino-ESP32 just shipped yesterday with not many significant changes over -rc2. I presume the bug is still open for 2.0.0.

first of all big thanks for reporting this. I have the same issue with NodeMCU ESP-32S Board.

Find rtc_gpio_desc replace with rtc_io_desc in the OneWire_direct_gpio.h file solved the issue

@LordIkol Could you please confirm whether merely fixing the symbol actually allowed the board to work correctly, not just compile, on 2.0.0-rcX or 2.0.0 stable? Your report and the one from @Ralms are in conflict.

altmannmarcelo commented 2 years ago

I second @Ralms here. Changing rtc_gpio_desc to rtc_io_desc makes it compile, but I always read temperature as:

16:13:46.584 -> -127.00ºC
16:13:46.584 -> -196.60ºF

Board ESP32-S2 Arduino, 2.0.0 (GA released yesterday)

avillacis commented 2 years ago

@altmannmarcelo The question of whether the OneWire pin programming is valid for ESP32-S2 might be a separate issue from whether it can still work correctly for ESP32 (the previous hardware platform) with just a symbol swap. Do you have an ESP32 (not an -S2) to test your sketch with?

altmannmarcelo commented 2 years ago

@avillacis no unfortunately only S2 and ESP8266

Ralms commented 2 years ago

This worked for me on an ExpressIf ESP32-S2-WROVER. Edit: Ok, it did not work. Although this allowed the code to compile, it broke OneWire functionality such as reading DS18B20 sensors. The problem is only with V2.0.0-rc1, as going back to 1.0.6, I was able to read the temperatures from the sensors straight away without any changes.

@Ralms Are you sure this was a ESP32-S2 board? The 1.0.6 version of Arduino-ESP32 does not ship support for the S2. Maybe you meant an ESP32-WROVER (no -S2).

The stable 2.0.0 version of Arduino-ESP32 just shipped yesterday with not many significant changes over -rc2. I presume the bug is still open for 2.0.0.

first of all big thanks for reporting this. I have the same issue with NodeMCU ESP-32S Board. Find rtc_gpio_desc replace with rtc_io_desc in the OneWire_direct_gpio.h file solved the issue

@LordIkol Could you please confirm whether merely fixing the symbol actually allowed the board to work correctly, not just compile, on 2.0.0-rcX or 2.0.0 stable? Your report and the one from @Ralms are in conflict.

100%, its an original ExpressIf ESP32-S2-WROVER dev board. My tests with the S2 were with Arduino IDE 1.8.15 and V2.0.0-rc1.

After this, I decided to try and use another board, ESP32-WROOM-32 from Az-Delivery, which also didn't work with V2.0.0-rc1, it had the same symptoms, would compile but unable to read sensors. Leaving me to believe to be some bigger change on V2 that is breaking some of these libs.

Using ESP32-WROOM-32 + ESP32 1.0.6 boards, everything worked normally again using the exact same code (without the rtc_gpio_desc replacement that is, I deleted and reinstalled the OneWire).

pstolarz commented 2 years ago

This lib works on all types of ESP32 + v2 SDK. Compatible with OneWire lib via OneWire.h header, therefore shall work out of the box.

Ralms commented 2 years ago

This lib works on all types of ESP32 + v2 SDK. Compatible with OneWire lib via OneWire.h header, therefore shall work out of the box.

I will give it a try. @pstolarz I can see that you are one of the maintainers, so if you don't mind me asking, why fork OneWire instead of expanding the existing lib?

pstolarz commented 2 years ago

@Ralms It's not a fork. The lib was written from scratch with its own API, but with compatibility interface with OneWire.

VladimirVecera commented 2 years ago

Today I installed a new version of ESP32, I think 2.0.0 came out and OneWire worked without a problem before that and now I have an error. Is there a way to fix this bug so I don't have to rework the entire code? I use DS18B20 on multiple pins, so I use OneWire.h together with another library

I have ESP32-WROOM-32U

In file included from c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\OneWire.cpp:144: c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h: In function 'void directModeInput(uint32_t)': c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:161:26: error: 'rtc_gpio_desc' was not declared in this scope uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg); ^~~~~ c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:161:26: note: suggested alternative: 'rtc_io_desc' uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg); ^~~~~ rtc_io_desc c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h: In function 'void directModeOutput(uint32_t)': c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:189:26: error: 'rtc_gpio_desc' was not declared in this scope uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg); ^~~~~ c:\Users\jsem\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OneWire\util/OneWire_direct_gpio.h:189:26: note: suggested alternative: 'rtc_io_desc' uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_gpio_desc[pin].reg); ^~~~~ rtc_io_desc Compilation error: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: exit status 1

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

Same here code has worked with the 1.x ESP32 Arduino core and "ESP32 Dev Module" as board, but does not work with 2.x, I'm using the latest version 2.0.0 what is marked as "stable" afaik. So it would be nice if this could be fixed. Downgrade to Arduino core for ESP32 version 1.0.6 made compiling working again.

PaulStoffregen commented 2 years ago

So it would be nice if this could be fixed.

Please send a pull request. Hopefully you can find a preprocessor macro to check if the new or old ESP32 core is used? Then just ifdef the 2 cases in the header files depending on which core library version.

Just to be clear, I'm depending on the open source community to submit pull requests for this sort of ESP32 support. No pull request, or a pull request which makes other changes to the code for all boards rather than just defining the names as usual, means it will wait until someone sends such a pull request.

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

I think we do not have a solution for core 2.x because the initial postulated

Find rtc_gpio_desc replace with rtc_io_desc in the OneWire_direct_gpio.h file solved the issue

does not work, it compiles but as reported from @altmannmarcelo and others, the temperature output then is wrong, so a preprocessor macro to check ESP32 core version (1.x vs. 2.x) is not sufficient, as I see it. Or did I miss the solution?

lcsjunior commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. I recently bought a LOLIN S2 mini ESP32-S2. I did that and it didn't either: Changing rtc_gpio_desc to rtc_io_desc makes it compile. Any solution? I think I will return the boards to the manufacturer. I'm wasting time.

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

There is a hint from Ivan at

I think can be fixed by enabling CONFIG_RTCIO_SUPPORT_RTC_GPIO_DESC=y in sdkconfig.

But I'm not familiar what to do exactly and how sdkconfig works. Afaik it is a compiling config, and you have to do it before ... perhaps someone can say what to do with sdkconfig and how to precede.

codepam commented 2 years ago

Could you have a look at this pull request #102 and confirm that is ok? It compiles without any problems and seems to be working on hardware. Thanks.

@ClemensGruber @Ralms @altmannmarcelo @avillacis

nuclearcat commented 2 years ago

Worked for me (no more compile errors, code works). Thanks for fix! P.S. Github doesnt allow to download raw patches for PR, seems Microsoft demand to download their proprietary tools. Quite irritating :(

Ralms commented 2 years ago

Worked for me (no more compile errors, code works). Thanks for fix! P.S. Github doesnt allow to download raw patches for PR, seems Microsoft demand to download their proprietary tools. Quite irritating :(

I don't know where you got that idea, you can download the raw file from anywhere and it has nothing to do with Microsoft. Its a bit out of topic, but just going to leave the instructions here so others don't get confused.

In this case, all you really need is to go to the pull request, "Files Changed" tab. Then on each file changed (in this case is just one), on the top right corner you do "View File" image

Lastly, see the Raw file and save normally, applying the correct file extension. image

If you want to download the all the files including the changed ones at once, you have to download the entire branch. For this unfortunately, you need to use Git locally and clone the repository.

You go to the branch where the files are coming from on the Pull Request, in this case: image

Grab the Repository URL todo "Git clone" locally, either specifying the branch on the clone or switching after. The fastest way would be to do "git clone -b rtc_gpio_desc-not_declared" image

GitHub has been like this since the beginning, there is nothing new.

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

Could you have a look at this pull request #102 and confirm that is ok?

Thanks @codepam for this pull request.

Just as a recap: Paul's current OneWire lib version 2.3.5 is working fine with Arduino core 1.0.6, an update to Arduino core 2.0.0 leads to the compiling errors above.

So I updated to Arduino core 2.0.0, and changed the file


according to /


So I can confirm that it is working but I did no code review.

codepam commented 2 years ago

Paul's current OneWire lib version 2.3.5 is working fine with Arduino core 1.0.6, an update to Arduino core 2.0.0 leads to the compiling errors above

@ClemensGruber that is why the patch is compatible with both versions, so as to be included without any problems as soon as possible. Currently, the library is unusable with arduino-esp32 v2.0.0.

Thanks for testing.

nuclearcat commented 2 years ago

GitHub has been like this since the beginning, there is nothing new.

I'm quite sure before i was able to download patch and there was a button for this. It still works if i craft URL manually, in this case: or

PaulStoffregen commented 2 years ago

To everyone who commented or contributed on this issue, please give the latest code a try. Does it fully solve the problem for you? Does it still work with the older ESP software?

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

Does it still work with the older ESP software?

For testing I downgraded to Arduino ESP core 1.0.6 and code is still compiling and DS18B20 working as expected.

PaulStoffregen commented 2 years ago

I'm waiting on more ESP32 user feedback before publishing a new OneWire version. So far only 3 people have reported results with #102 applied.

Michal-Szczepaniak said "+1 works perfectly on my esp32" damianjwilliams said "Not working on my ESP32-S2-WROVER" ClemensGruber said "I downgraded to Arduino ESP core 1.0.6 and code is still compiling and DS18B20 working as expected".

Now is the time to contribute by just installing the latest and running on your ESP32 hardware, then post clear feedback. Is this ready to publish as a new version to Arduino's library manager?

ClemensGruber commented 2 years ago

Just to clarify: Along to I tested against Arduino core 2.0.0 and the new code is working, in I tested downward compatibility and also this is ok in my test.

posymeon commented 2 years ago

Will the library with the fix for core 2.0.X be released through Arduino's library manager?

PaulStoffregen commented 2 years ago


Hopefully the problems reported above with certain boards aren't common. Again, I don't test ESP hardware and I'm depending on the ESP community to sent pull requests for this sort of thing.