PaulStoffregen / OneWire

Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
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Resolved: Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. #113

Open jvonehr opened 2 years ago

jvonehr commented 2 years ago


Just updated ESP32 to v 2.0.0, and started crashing with Guru Meditation Error. My code worked before the update.

Steps To Reproduce Problem

Called "begin()" on a OneWire 18s20. Crashed.

Hardware & Software

ESP32, Platform IO, ESP core 2.0.0

Arduino Sketch


Errors or Incorrect Output

Changed my code from using GPIO pin 17 to use GPIO pin 26 and problem stopped.

Noted in table at that GPIO 17 does not have an RTC entry, but 26 does.

Your current include file OneWire_direct_gpio.h line 163-164: int pin_io = rtc_io_number_get((gpio_num_t)pin); uint32_t rtc_reg(rtc_io_desc[pin_io].reg); return -1 and 88 when using pin 17, but return 7 and 1072989320 with pin 26.

It might be helpful to throw an error if pin_io comes back -1 from the rtc_io_number_get call.

Thanks for the work you do!

Jason2866 commented 2 years ago

Core 2.0.0 is outdated and not supported anymore from espressif. Update to core 2.0.3. and use latest OneWire version.