PaulStoffregen / OneWire

Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
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Example won't work on LEONARDO? #16

Closed GraemeTownsend closed 8 years ago

GraemeTownsend commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to get an example of the OneWire and OneWire Slave going.

Using your "DS18x20_Temperature" on a LEONARDO. Works fine. I Can see real DS18B20's on the OneWire no problem.

Using the various slave example code/projects Pro Micro board, I get no response. (Just a spit out of the temp on one of them), and the Master never see's it.

If I attach a real DS18B20 the Master see's it instantly and starts to display the value.

Is this a hardware issue or is there something else I should try.

Regards, Graeme.

PaulStoffregen commented 8 years ago

I don't maintain the OneWireSlave lib.