PaulStoffregen / OneWire

Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
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Pins not reading on NodeMCU, they do work on library version 2.3.0 though #35

Closed jamierf closed 7 years ago

jamierf commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what changed but on my NodeMCU ESP8266 device the only pin that works with 2.3.3 is D4 - GPIO 2 Reverting the library back to version 2.3.0 fixes the issue. This is attempting to read from a DS18B20. Pin D2 is the one I'm using for testing but verified D4 is the only one working with the 2.3.3

I get no devices found on the other pins.

PaulStoffregen commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I do not use ESP.

I am depending on the ESP community to contribute high quality code. I have merged pull requests from people who said their code worked. That is the best I can do. I can not help directly with any ESP board like NodeMCU.

Please ask on the ESP community forums. Please DO NOT create more issues here for project troubleshooting for ESP boards. I can not help with that.