PaulStoffregen / OneWire

Library for Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire Chips
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Sync with neuoy:OneWireArduinoSlave write function? #44

Open MohsinEngineer opened 6 years ago

MohsinEngineer commented 6 years ago

I am trying to make a DS1993, an ibutton, emulator on Arduino Uno using your library. The slave side arduino uno is running the neuoy:OneWire library.

The write function of that library successfully transmits the data to the slave (verified through simulations) but can't get in sync when reading back the data. It always gets distorted. I have run multiple simulations trying to get both in sync but it is damn near impossible.

Can you see that your write function is compatible with OneWireArduinoSlave write function? Or maybe I am implementing this in some wrong way.

I have asked the same thing from PaulStroffregen. Hopefully you both can find a solution to this problem.

I can provide arduino sketches and proteus simulations highlighting the issue.

MohsinEngineer commented 6 years ago

Here is a link to the project