PaulStoffregen / PS2Keyboard

PS/2 Keyboard Library for Arduino
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Wrong pinout on the help page? #35

Open marcin-chwedczuk opened 3 years ago

marcin-chwedczuk commented 3 years ago

According to picture that you put on: The +5V line is on the right. This seems to be wrong, for example see:

[1] [2]

IMHO you should make it explicit if the pinout is for female or male connector.

PaulStoffregen commented 3 years ago

Is this image from the web page incorrect? Or is the connector's gender unclear?


DavidGari commented 5 months ago

The pinout in your image is correct. The connector is a Female 6-pin mini-DIN; the same one found on an IBM PS/2 computer, and many others.