PaulStoffregen / PS2Keyboard

PS/2 Keyboard Library for Arduino
147 stars 57 forks source link

Board Wemos Mini D1 What pin to use to work properly #37

Open ee-e opened 2 years ago

ee-e commented 2 years ago

Serial Abnormal output

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As long as it is started, it will output, even if the keyboard is not connected



define D0 16

define D1 5

define D2 4

define D3 0

define D4 2

define D5 14

define D6 12

define D7 13

define D8 15

PS2Keyboard keyboard_r; //PS2dev keyboard(D1 , D2); //clock, data

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: delay(1000); keyboard_r.begin(D3, D1); // DataPin, IRQpin Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Keyboard Test:");


void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: // if (keyboard_r.available()) { // uint8_t s; // // s = keyboard_r.readScanCode(); // s =; // if (s){ //erial.println(s, HEX); //keyboard.write(s);

// }


// }