PaulStoffregen / RadioHead

Version of RadioHead library for Teensy boards
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Kommunication to a RN2483 node #36

Closed gorhas closed 5 years ago

gorhas commented 5 years ago

I use the RadioHead library on a Adafruit feather M0 RFM9X LoRA radio. I select 434 freq. I have several of those and they can talk to one another. I also have some RN2438 from Microchip

In this I have the following configuration:

sys reset
mac pause
radio set wdt 0
radio set pwr 13
radio set mod lora
radio set freq 434000000
radio set cr 4/5
radio set crc on
radio set bw 125
radio set sync 12
radio set iqi on
radio set sf sf7
radio tx 0123456789ABCDEF

This is to conform to default configuration after init:

Bw125Cr45Sf128 = 0,  // < Bw = 125 kHz, Cr = 4/5, Sf = 128chips/symbol, CRC on. Default medium range

But the modules wont communicate. Is there some parameters I am missing in the RH_RF95 library?

Is Sf = 128chips/symbol the same as lora documents mean by "sf7"


PaulStoffregen commented 5 years ago

This is the wrong place to ask about Adafruit Feather. This repository is a copy of a library modified for Teensy.