PaulStoffregen / SerialFlash

Library for using SPI Flash memory with a filesystem-like interface
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Teensy 4.0 and w25Q64 Breakout Board #76

Open Harveyn4444 opened 3 years ago

Harveyn4444 commented 3 years ago


Describe your problem. I have a breakout board containing a W25Q64 flash chip and have tried to run the raw hardware test.

Steps To Reproduce Problem

Please give detailed instructions needed for anyone to attempt to reproduce the problem. I have the breakout board ( found here, with the Do and Di pins set to MISO and MOSO respectively and the example codes cannot read the chip, with the CS pin at 4.

Hardware & Software

Teensy 4.0 ( No idea. of the actual name Arduino IDE 1.8.13 Teensyduino version 1.53 Version info & package name (from Tools > Boards > Board Manager) macOS Big Sur version 11.1

Arduino Sketch

//This is the example code



const int FlashChipSelect = 4; // digital pin for flash chip CS pin //const int FlashChipSelect = 21; // Arduino 101 built-in SPI Flash

SerialFlashFile file;

const unsigned long testIncrement = 4096;

void setup() {

//uncomment these if using Teensy audio shield //SPI.setSCK(14); // Audio shield has SCK on pin 14 //SPI.setMOSI(7); // Audio shield has MOSI on pin 7

//uncomment these if you have other SPI chips connected //to keep them disabled while using only SerialFlash //pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP);


while (!Serial) ; delay(100);

Serial.println("Raw SerialFlash Hardware Test"); SerialFlash.begin(FlashChipSelect); // proceed even if begin() fails

if (test()) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("All Tests Passed :-)"); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Test data was written to your chip. You must run"); Serial.println("EraseEverything before using this chip for files."); } else { Serial.println(); Serial.println("Tests Failed :{"); Serial.println(); Serial.println("The flash chip may be left in an improper state."); Serial.println("You might need to power cycle to return to normal."); } }

bool test() { unsigned char buf[256], sig[256], buf2[8]; unsigned long address, count, chipsize, blocksize; unsigned long usec; bool first;

// Read the chip identification Serial.println(); Serial.println("Read Chip Identification:"); SerialFlash.readID(buf); Serial.print(" JEDEC ID: "); Serial.print(buf[0], HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(buf[1], HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(buf[2], HEX); Serial.print(" Part Nummber: "); Serial.println(id2chip(buf)); Serial.print(" Memory Size: "); chipsize = SerialFlash.capacity(buf); Serial.print(chipsize); Serial.println(" bytes"); if (chipsize == 0) return false; Serial.print(" Block Size: "); blocksize = SerialFlash.blockSize(); Serial.print(blocksize); Serial.println(" bytes");

// Read the entire chip. Every test location must be // erased, or have a previously tested signature Serial.println(); Serial.println("Reading Chip..."); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); address = 0; count = 0; first = true; while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8); //Serial.print(" addr = "); //Serial.print(address, HEX); //Serial.print(", data = "); //printbuf(buf, 8); create_signature(address, sig); if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) { if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) { Serial.print(" Previous data found at address "); Serial.println(address); Serial.println(" You must fully erase the chip before this test"); Serial.print(" found this: "); printbuf(buf, 8); Serial.print(" correct: "); printbuf(sig, 8); return false; } } else { count = count + 1; // number of blank signatures } if (first) { address = address + (testIncrement - 8); first = false; } else { address = address + 8; first = true; } }

// Write any signatures that were blank on the original check if (count > 0) { Serial.println(); Serial.print("Writing "); Serial.print(count); Serial.println(" signatures"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); address = 0; first = true; while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8); if (is_erased(buf, 8)) { create_signature(address, sig); //Serial.printf("write %08X: data: ", address); //printbuf(sig, 8); SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 8); while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait, buf, 8); if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) { Serial.print(" error writing signature at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 8); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 8); return false; } } if (first) { address = address + (testIncrement - 8); first = false; } else { address = address + 8; first = true; } } } else { Serial.println(" all signatures present from prior tests"); }

// Read all the signatures again, just to be sure // checks prior writing didn't corrupt any other data Serial.println(); Serial.println("Double Checking All Signatures:"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); count = 0; address = 0; first = true; while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8); create_signature(address, sig); if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) { Serial.print(" error in signature at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 8); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 8); return false; } count = count + 1; if (first) { address = address + (testIncrement - 8); first = false; } else { address = address + 8; first = true; } } Serial.print(" all "); Serial.print(count); Serial.println(" signatures read ok");

// Read pairs of adjacent signatures // check read works across boundaries Serial.println(); Serial.println("Checking Signature Pairs"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); count = 0; address = testIncrement - 8; first = true; while (address < chipsize - 8) {, buf, 16); create_signature(address, sig); create_signature(address + 8, sig + 8); if (memcmp(buf, sig, 16) != 0) { Serial.print(" error in signature pair at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 16); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 16); return false; } count = count + 1; address = address + testIncrement; } Serial.print(" all "); Serial.print(count); Serial.println(" signature pairs read ok");

// Write data and read while write in progress Serial.println(); Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Write (Program Suspend)"); address = 256; while (address < chipsize) { // find a blank space, buf, 256); if (is_erased(buf, 256)) break; address = address + 256; } if (address >= chipsize) { Serial.println(" error, unable to find any blank space!"); return false; } for (int i=0; i < 256; i += 8) { create_signature(address + i, sig + i); } Serial.print(" write 256 bytes at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.flush(); SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 256); usec = micros(); if (SerialFlash.ready()) { Serial.println(" error, chip did not become busy after write"); return false; }, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait usec = micros() - usec; Serial.print(" write time was "); Serial.print(usec); Serial.println(" microseconds.");, buf, 256); if (memcmp(buf, sig, 256) != 0) { Serial.println(" error writing to flash"); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 256); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 256); return false; } create_signature(0, sig); if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) { Serial.println(" error, incorrect read while writing"); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf2, 256); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 256); return false; } Serial.print(" read-while-writing: "); printbuf(buf2, 8); Serial.println(" test passed, good read while writing");

// Erase a block and read while erase in progress if (chipsize >= 262144 + blocksize + testIncrement) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Erase (Erase Suspend)"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); SerialFlash.eraseBlock(262144); usec = micros(); delayMicroseconds(50); if (SerialFlash.ready()) { Serial.println(" error, chip did not become busy after erase"); return false; }, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait usec = micros() - usec; Serial.print(" erase time was "); Serial.print(usec); Serial.println(" microseconds."); // read all signatures, check ones in this block got // erased, and all the others are still intact address = 0; first = true; while (address < chipsize) {, buf, 8); if (address >= 262144 && address < 262144 + blocksize) { if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) { Serial.print(" error in erasing at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 8); return false; } } else { create_signature(address, sig); if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) { Serial.print(" error in signature at "); Serial.println(address); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf, 8); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 8); return false; } } if (first) { address = address + (testIncrement - 8); first = false; } else { address = address + 8; first = true; } } Serial.print(" erase correctly erased "); Serial.print(blocksize); Serial.println(" bytes"); // now check if the data we read during erase is good create_signature(0, sig); if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) { Serial.println(" error, incorrect read while erasing"); Serial.print(" Read this: "); printbuf(buf2, 256); Serial.print(" Expected: "); printbuf(sig, 256); return false; } Serial.print(" read-while-erasing: "); printbuf(buf2, 8); Serial.println(" test passed, good read while erasing");

} else { Serial.println("Skip Read-While-Erase, this chip is too small"); }

return true; }

void loop() { // do nothing after the test }

const char id2chip(const unsigned char id) { if (id[0] == 0xEF) { // Winbond if (id[1] == 0x40) { if (id[2] == 0x14) return "W25Q80BV"; if (id[2] == 0x15) return "W25Q16DV"; if (id[2] == 0x17) return "W25Q64FV"; if (id[2] == 0x18) return "W25Q128FV"; if (id[2] == 0x19) return "W25Q256FV"; } } if (id[0] == 0x01) { // Spansion if (id[1] == 0x02) { if (id[2] == 0x16) return "S25FL064A"; if (id[2] == 0x19) return "S25FL256S"; if (id[2] == 0x20) return "S25FL512S"; } if (id[1] == 0x20) { if (id[2] == 0x18) return "S25FL127S"; } } if (id[0] == 0xC2) { // Macronix if (id[1] == 0x20) { if (id[2] == 0x18) return "MX25L12805D"; } } if (id[0] == 0x20) { // Micron if (id[1] == 0xBA) { if (id[2] == 0x20) return "N25Q512A"; if (id[2] == 0x21) return "N25Q00AA"; } if (id[1] == 0xBB) { if (id[2] == 0x22) return "MT25QL02GC"; } } if (id[0] == 0xBF) { // SST if (id[1] == 0x25) { if (id[2] == 0x02) return "SST25WF010"; if (id[2] == 0x03) return "SST25WF020"; if (id[2] == 0x04) return "SST25WF040"; if (id[2] == 0x41) return "SST25VF016B"; if (id[2] == 0x4A) return "SST25VF032"; } if (id[1] == 0x25) { if (id[2] == 0x01) return "SST26VF016"; if (id[2] == 0x02) return "SST26VF032"; if (id[2] == 0x43) return "SST26VF064"; } } if (id[0] == 0x1F) { // Adesto if (id[1] == 0x89) { if (id[2] == 0x01) return "AT25SF128A"; }
return "(unknown chip)"; }

void print_signature(const unsigned char *data) { Serial.print("data="); for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) { Serial.print(data[i]); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println(); }

void create_signature(unsigned long address, unsigned char data) { data[0] = address >> 24; data[1] = address >> 16; data[2] = address >> 8; data[3] = address; unsigned long hash = 2166136261ul; for (unsigned char i=0; i < 4; i++) { hash ^= data[i]; hash = 16777619ul; } data[4] = hash; data[5] = hash >> 8; data[6] = hash >> 16; data[7] = hash >> 24; }

bool equal_signatures(const unsigned char data1, const unsigned char data2) { for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) { if (data1[i] != data2[i]) return false; } return true; }

bool is_erased(const unsigned char data, unsigned int len) { while (len > 0) { if (data++ != 255) return false; len = len - 1; } return true; }

void printbuf(const void buf, uint32_t len) { const uint8_t p = (const uint8_t )buf; do { unsigned char b = p++; Serial.print(b >> 4, HEX); Serial.print(b & 15, HEX); //Serial.printf("%02X", *p++); Serial.print(" "); } while (--len > 0); Serial.println(); }

Thank you

Picture included Red - Vcc (3.3V) Yellow - CS (4) Green - DO MISO Pin(12) Brown - GND Purple - SCK Pin(13) Blue - DI MOSI Pin(11)

Teensy 4 0
Harveyn4444 commented 3 years ago

After re uploading the example sketch the program can now read the chip, just after I posted this :), but over the last few days it would not read the chip, ID the chip and not read it but now can read the chip and passes the test, I wired the chip up the exact same every time and just manages to work after I posted the issue.

Harveyn4444 commented 3 years ago

I've just unplugged a rewired everything again and get this message <Raw SerialFlash Hardware Test

Read Chip Identification: JEDEC ID: FF FF FF Part Nummber: (unknown chip) Memory Size: 0 bytes

Tests Failed :{

The flash chip may be left in an improper state. You might need to power cycle to return to normal.>

Harveyn4444 commented 3 years ago

Also when I try the erase all example it freezes my serial port and outputs nothing, if I unplug the teensy the text is immediately written to the serial output Again the chip seemed to be able to be read by my Teensy LC button. my Teensy 4.0 as I've just been trying again, no idea what could be causing the issue

Harveyn4444 commented 3 years ago

It seems to work perfectly with the Teensy LC, just seems to be having issues with The Teensy 4.0

MatePlaque commented 4 months ago

can someone help with this situation were i am getting this when i try to run the above code to the flash chip its just saying Previous data found at address 0 You must fully erase the chip before this test found this: 00 00 00 00 0A FA CA 25 correct: 00 00 00 00 15 F5 95 4B

Tests Failed :{

The flash chip may be left in an improper state. You might need to power cycle to return to normal.

PaulStoffregen commented 4 months ago

Try shorter wires. SPI is very fast, especially on Teensy 4.0. Long wires can cause problems with very fast signals.