PaulStoffregen / XPT2046_Touchscreen

Touchscreen Arduino Library for XPT2046 Touch Controller Chip
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White screen issue with samd21 #18

Open wajdib opened 5 years ago

wajdib commented 5 years ago


Using the example provided, I get white screen shortly after calling if (ts.touched()) on samd21 based boards(feather m0, arduino zero...)

Steps To Reproduce Problem

run the example code.

Hardware & Software

Board :feather m0

PaulStoffregen commented 5 years ago

Which example?

This library comes with 3 examples. 2 of them do not control a display at all. 1 does, and the library it uses to do so is not compatible with those boards.

wajdib commented 5 years ago

Touch test example. My project already has TFT9341 library installed for graphics, once I add the following to my Loop function the screen goes all white: if (ts.touched()) { }

It seems that the library touched() function, which has an Update() function, its SPI calls interfere with the display and render it white.

PaulStoffregen commented 5 years ago

Are you going to show the complete code to reproduce this problem?

wajdib commented 5 years ago

Here is a complete to reproduce the problem: `



include "wiring_private.h"

include "XPT2046_Touchscreen.h"

XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(12, 10);


// Required for Serial on Zero based boards




define display Tft

void setup() {

ts.begin(); Serial.begin(115200);

display.InitLCD(3); //set background color display.fillScr(0, 255, 0); //display.clrScr();


float speed = 0; int OldOnes = 0; int OldTens = 0; extern uint8_t SevenSeg_XXXL_Num[]; void loop() {

//If ts.touched() is commented out, you will see the counter properly updating on the screen, //if ts.touched() is uncommented, nothing will be displayed. if (ts.touched()) { }

delay(1000); speed++;

display.setBackColor(0x0000); display.setColor(0xFFFF); display.setFont(SevenSeg_XXXL_Num);

int ones = (int)speed % 10; int tens = (int)speed / 10 % 10;

if (OldOnes != ones ) { display.setColor(0xFFFF); OldOnes = ones; String sOnes = String(ones); if (ones == 0) sOnes = "0"; display.print(sOnes, 155, 70); } if (OldTens != tens ) { display.setColor(0xFFFF); OldTens = tens; String sTens = String(tens); if (tens == 0) sTens = "0"; display.print(sTens, 95, 70); }


wajdib commented 5 years ago

TFT9341 library Im using is this one