PaulStoffregen / XPT2046_Touchscreen

Touchscreen Arduino Library for XPT2046 Touch Controller Chip
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Decrease Z_THRESHOLD by 100, so that the far corner of panel becomes reliable. #40

Closed xxxajk closed 2 years ago

xxxajk commented 2 years ago

Far corner of the touch panel on nearly all of the panels I own (I have several) won't detect a touch event. The problem stems from the fact that there isn't enough flexibility at the corners of the digitizer near the edges. If you compare to the IRQ pin, this trips MUCH earlier, however noise could cause false tripping, and a higher threshold is a good idea. By increasing the sensitivity a little bit, two things are also gained as a side effect:

  1. Less pressure is required to detect a touch.
  2. Less wear on a resistivity screen is a good thing.