PaulStoffregen / cores

Teensy Core Libraries for Arduino
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Source for teensyduino utilitues "teensy_post_compile" and "teensy_reboot" ? #31

Open UffeJakobsen opened 10 years ago

UffeJakobsen commented 10 years ago

I'm sorry to bother you with yet another issue about this subject - but you closed the old issue (#29) before I could ask another question - hence this new issue

JFTR: old issue #29 (

Source for teensyduino utilitues "teensy_post_compile" and "teensy_reboot" ? Where can I find the source for the teensyduino utilitues "teensy_post_compile" and "teensy_reboot" ?

I've looked through the source repositories without any luck - what did I miss ?

Or are they closed source ?

Thanks in advance


dfries commented 8 years ago

I don't know the answer to your question for those two programs, but there is source code available for a command line loader. Use it and you don't need the other two. or

jcw commented 3 years ago

I've been looking for sources as well (forum post. If they're not open source, it might be worth stating that somewhere.