PaulTaykalo / objc-dependency-visualizer

Objective-C and Swift dependency visualizer. It's tool that helps to visualize current state of your project. It's really easy to see how tight your classes are coupled.
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[feature] Multiple obj files location support #27

Closed dodikk closed 8 years ago

dodikk commented 8 years ago

As a sub-project approach user I'd like to specify multiple location of _.obj files _So that* business logic files contained in a sub-project is displayed in the graph.

It would be cool to easily switch between the "single project" mode (as is) and "all *.obj files in DerivedData" to get the desired level of report granularity.

PaulTaykalo commented 8 years ago

@dodikk Bump. As about multiple sub-project thing It's good to have an example of this kind of project and your expectations on this :+1: Just Not sure how they'll be compiled and what deps will be and where

dodikk commented 8 years ago

It's good to have an example of this kind of project You can use this one. It's based on static libs and sub-projects.

your expectations on this

  1. Both GUI classes (from main project) and business logic classes (from libs) are visualised.
  2. There should be an option to generate the report "as is" (only GUI classes).
PaulTaykalo commented 8 years ago

@dodikk Take a look here In this specific case, the command could look like ./generate-objc-dependencies-to-json.rb -e "NS|UI|CA|KW|CF|RAC" -d -t "iAsyncWeatherOperations" -t "JFFAsyncOperations" > origin.js

dodikk commented 8 years ago

Thanks. It works. Great job.

dodikk commented 8 years ago

It would be cool to have some auto detection feature in order to not maintain the list of -t arguments manually. Still, I the xcodebuild -list and editing the generation script manually approach is ok for now.

PaulTaykalo commented 8 years ago

@dodikk the tool itself doesn't care where dependencies are coming from, so I would suggest to have small additional script like xcodebuild --list and pass parameters from it to dep visualizer