Paularossi / AdDownloader

AdDownloader is a Python library and Command-line Interface (CLI) that directly calls the Meta Ad Library API given a valid Meta developer access token.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing images & videos #6

Open LuckyLuuk12 opened 3 weeks ago

LuckyLuuk12 commented 3 weeks ago

I was recently looking manually through the images and videos folder and found out that quite some images and videos are "missing". For the ads that were missing an image or video I tried to look at the ad_snapshot_url manually (with a fresh access token) and found out that many ads in my collection don't have an image because it got removed by Facebook because the ad(s) was(/were) not following the policies.

I wonder whether that is the only reason possible for ads without images / videos or that text-only ads also exist within the library. If it is the case that text-only ads are possible. Wouldn't it make much sense to also check whether the image/video got removed because the ad was not following policies and putting that in the JSON output as well? Because I now work with a large collection of ads of which many do have an ad_snapshot_url but that url only shows that the image/video got removed which is useful for my purpose to know (i.e. knowing whether it was removed or whether it was a text-only ad).

I don't know whether I thus can assume that all my ads with missing image/video got it removed or not. Would it be possible to ad this to the output when downloading the images/videos? (with "this" I mean thus the label for removed/text-only or something that can tell we why it has no image/video)