Paulemann / service.shutdown.watchdog

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Matrix compability #1

Open bensisco opened 3 years ago

bensisco commented 3 years ago

I have been using this addon in Leia and it worked perfect. Since Kodi now is in Matrix this addon is no longer working. Could you please fix your code so that this addon works with Kodi Matrix?

bensisco commented 3 years ago


-- coding: utf-8 --



# import xbmc import xbmcaddon

import psutil

import subprocess import os

import time import calendar import _strptime import sys import getopt

import json import urllib.request import urllib.parse from contextlib import closing

import codecs

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon() setting = addon.getSetting __addon_id = addon.getAddonInfo('id') localize = addon__.getLocalizedString

kodi = 'kodi'

kodi = 'kodi-standalone'

busy_notification = 'Notification({})'.format(localize(30008).encode('utf-8'))



# def mixed_decoder(unicode_error): err_str = unicode_error[1] err_len = unicode_error.end - unicode_error.start next_position = unicode_error.start + err_len replacement = err_str[unicode_error.start:unicode_error.end].decode('cp1252')

return u'%s' % replacement, next_position

codecs.register_error('mixed', mixed_decoder)

def get_opts(): idle_action = '' busy_action = ''

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:b:", ["idle-action=", "busy-action="])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:

for opt, arg in opts:
    if opt in ("-i", "--idle-action"):
        idle_action = arg
    elif opt in ("-b", "--busy-action"):
        busy_action = arg

if len(args) == 1 and not idle_action:
    idle_action = args[0]

if idle_action:
    idle_action = idle_action.strip('\'\"')

if busy_action:
    busy_action = busy_action.strip('\'\"')

return idle_action, busy_action

def kodi_is_running(): if active_proc(kodi): return True

return False

def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True

except ValueError:
    return False

def port_trans(plist): PORT_DICT = {'ftp-data': 20, 'ftp':21, 'ssh':22, 'telnet':23, 'tftp':69, 'http':80, 'https':443, 'smb':445, 'lpd':515, 'rtps':554, 'ipsec':1293, 'l2tp':1701, 'lt2p-ipsec':1707, 'pptp':1723, 'nfs':2049, 'upnp':5000, 'rtp':5004, 'rtcp':5005, 'kodi-web':8080, 'hts':9981, 'tvh':9983, 'vnsi-server':34890}

ret = set()
for p in plist:
    if is_number(p):
return ret

def read_set(item, default): ret = set() for element in str(read_val(item, default)).split(','): try: item = int(element) except ValueError: item = element.strip() ret.add(item) return ret

def read_val(item, default): try: value = int(setting(item)) except ValueError: try: if setting(item).lower() == 'true' or setting(item).lower() == 'false': value = bool(setting(item).lower() == 'true') else: value = setting(item) except ValueError: value = default

return value

def load_addon_settings(): global sleep_time, watched_local, watched_remote, watched_procs, pvr_local, pvr_port, pvr_minsecs

sleep_time     = read_val('sleep', 60)                    # 60 secs.
pvr_minsecs    = read_val('pvrwaketime', 5) * 60          # 5 mins.
pvr_port       = read_val('pvrport', 34890)               # VDR-VNSI
pvr_local      = read_val('pvrlocal', True)               # PVR backend on local system

watched_local  = read_set('localports', '445, 2049')      # smb, nfs, or 'set()' for empty set
watched_remote = read_set('remoteports', '22, 445')       # ssh, smb
watched_procs  = read_set('procs', 'HandBrakeCLI, ffmpeg, makemkv, makemkvcon')

watched_local  = port_trans(watched_local)
watched_remote = port_trans(watched_remote)

if __name__ != '__main__':
    xbmc.log(msg='[{}] Settings loaded.'.format(__addon_id__), level=xbmc.LOGINFO)


def get_sleep_time(): return sleep_time

def jsonrpc_request(method, params=None, host='localhost', port=8080, username=None, password=None):

e.g. KodiJRPC_Get("PVR.GetProperties", {"properties": ["recording"]})

url = 'http://{}:{}/jsonrpc'.format(host, port)
header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

jsondata = {
    'jsonrpc': '2.0',
    'method': method,
    'id': method}

if params:
    jsondata['params'] = params

if username and password:
    base64str = base64.encodestring('{}:{}'.format(username, password))[:-1]
    header['Authorization'] = 'Basic {}'.format(base64str)

    if host == 'localhost':
        response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(json.dumps(jsondata))
        data = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8','mixed'))

        if data['id'] == method and data.has_key('result'):
            return data['result']
        request = urllib.request.Request(url, json.dumps(jsondata), header)
        with closing(urllib.request.urlopen(request)) as response:
            data = json.loads('utf8', 'mixed'))

            if data['id'] == method and data.has_key('result'):
                return data['result']


return False

def find_clients(port, include_localhost): clients = set()

for conn in active_conns():
    #if conn.status != psutil.CONN_ESTABLISHED or not conn.raddr:
    if conn.status != 'ESTABLISHED' or not conn.raddr:

    if int(conn.laddr[1]) == port:
        if conn.raddr[0] != conn.laddr[0] or include_localhost:

return clients

def check_pvrclients(): global busy_notification

if not pvr_local:
    return False

for client in find_clients(pvr_port, False): # enumerate PVR clients, exclude localhost
        player = jsonrpc_request('Player.GetActivePlayers', host=client)

        if player and player[0]['type'] == 'video':
            data = jsonrpc_request('Player.GetItem', params={'properties': ['title', 'file'],'playerid': 1}, host=client)

            if data and data['item']['type'] == 'channel':
                busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30009).encode('utf-8'))
                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    xbmc_log('Found client {} watching live tv.'.format(client))
                return True # a client is watching live-tv
            elif data and 'pvr://' == urllib.parse.unquote(data['item']['file'].encode('utf-8'))[:6]:
                busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30010).encode('utf-8'))
                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    xbmc_log('Found client {} watching a recording.'.format(client))
                return True # a client is watching a recording

    except KeyError:

return False

def check_timers(): global busy_notification

if not pvr_local:
    return False

localhost = ''

if localhost not in find_clients(pvr_port, True):
    return False

data = jsonrpc_request('PVR.GetTimers', params={'properties': ['title', 'starttime', 'endtime']})

    if data:
        timers = data['timers']
        for i in range(len(timers)):
            starttime = int(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(timers[i]['starttime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
            endtime = int(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(timers[i]['endtime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
            now = int(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))

            if starttime <= 0 or endtime <= now:
                secs_before_recording = starttime - now

            if secs_before_recording > 0 and secs_before_recording < pvr_minsecs:
                busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30011).encode('utf-8'))
                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    xbmc_log('Recording about to start in less than {} seconds.'.format(pvr_minsecs))
                return True

            if secs_before_recording < 0:
                busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30012).encode('utf-8'))
                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    xbmc_log('Found active recording.')
                return True

# Sometimes we get a key error, maybe beacause pvr backend
# is not responding or busy.
except KeyError:

return False

def active_conns():

return psutil.net_connections(kind='tcp4')

from collections import namedtuple

def active_conns(): my_env = os.environ.copy() my_env['LC_ALL'] = 'en_EN' netstat = subprocess.check_output(['netstat', '-tn'], universal_newlines=True, env=my_env)

connections = []
connection = namedtuple('connection', 'laddr raddr status')
for line in netstat.split('\n')[2:]:
    if len(line) > 5:
        conn = connection(line.split()[3].rsplit(':', 1), line.split()[4].rsplit(':', 1), line.split()[5])

return connections

def active_proc(list):

for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']):

if proc.status() != psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE and['name'].lower() in list:



return None

def active_proc(list): response = subprocess.check_output(['ps', 'cax'], universal_newlines=True) procs = [line.split()[-1].lower() for line in response.split('\n')[1:] if line] for proc in procs: if proc in list: return proc

return None

def check_procs(): global busy_notification

plist = [element.lower() for element in watched_procs]

pname = active_proc(plist)
if pname:
    busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30013).encode('utf-8'))
    busy_notification = busy_notification.format(pname)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        xbmc_log('Found active process of {}.'.format(pname))
    return True

return False

def check_services(): global busy_notification

for conn in active_conns():
    #if conn.status != psutil.CONN_ESTABLISHED or not conn.raddr:
    if conn.status != 'ESTABLISHED' or not conn.raddr:

    if ((conn.laddr[0] != conn.raddr[0]) and (int(conn.laddr[1]) in watched_remote)) or \
       ((conn.laddr[0] == conn.raddr[0]) and (int(conn.laddr[1]) in watched_local)):
        busy_notification = busy_notification.format(__localize__(30014).encode('utf-8'))
        busy_notification = busy_notification.format(conn.laddr[1])
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            xbmc_log('Found active connection on port {}.'.format(conn.laddr[1]))
        return True

return False

def check_idle(arg_idle_action, arg_busy_action): if check_pvrclients() or check_timers() or check_services() or check_procs(): if arg_busy_action: xbmc.executebuiltin(arg_busy_action) elif arg_idle_action: xbmc.executebuiltin(busy_notification) if name == 'main': xbmc_log('Action \'{}\' cancelled. Background activities detected.'.format(arg_idle_action)) else: if arg_idle_action: xbmc_log('System is idle. Executing requested action: \'{}\'.'.format(arg_idle_action)) xbmc.executebuiltin(arg_idle_action) return

def xbmc_log(text): xbmc.log(msg='[{}] {}'.format(__addon_id__, text), level=xbmc.LOGINFO)

if name == 'main': if not kodi_is_running(): sys.exit() xbmc_log('RunScript action started.') load_addon_settings() check_idle(*get_opts()) else: xbmc_log('Addon started.') load_addon_settings()

bensisco commented 3 years ago

With the above the addon works in Matrix.

Paulemann commented 3 years ago

Sorry I for not noticing your request earlier. What problem were you trying to address and what exactly did you change? I've been using this code with matrix without any issues.

chrisjohnson1988 commented 2 years ago

I think this will be in reference to later versions of Kodi requiring plugins to target python 3.

I have managed to get @bensisco changes to start up under Kodi 19.2 (not tested they actually work though). I had to update the addon.xml to target <import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>. It was a little difficult to spot the above changes, here they are represented as a diff:

< import urllib.request
< import urllib.parse
> import urllib2
<     except getopt.GetoptError as err:
>     except getopt.GetoptError, err:
<         xbmc.log(msg='[{}] Settings loaded.'.format(__addon_id__), level=xbmc.LOGINFO)
>         xbmc.log(msg='[{}] Settings loaded.'.format(__addon_id__), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
<             request = urllib.request.Request(url, json.dumps(jsondata), header)
<             with closing(urllib.request.urlopen(request)) as response:
>             request = urllib2.Request(url, json.dumps(jsondata), header)
>             with closing(urllib2.urlopen(request)) as response:
<                 elif data and 'pvr://' == urllib.parse.unquote(data['item']['file'].encode('utf-8'))[:6]:
>                 elif data and 'pvr://' == urllib2.unquote(data['item']['file'].encode('utf-8'))[:6]:
<     xbmc.log(msg='[{}] {}'.format(__addon_id__, text), level=xbmc.LOGINFO)
>     xbmc.log(msg='[{}] {}'.format(__addon_id__, text), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
Paulemann commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the diff. And, my bad, I confused Leia and Matrix. You're absolutely right. The code needs to get adapted for Matrix/Python 3. Unfortunately, I haven't upgraded to Matrix yet. So it will probably take some time before I can validate all changes. In the meantime I hope Matrix users can apply the above changes to make it work.

Paulemann commented 2 years ago

Code has been updated to run under both Python2 (kodi 18 matrix and earlier) and Python 3 (kodi 19 leia and newer). However, for kodi 19 leia, addon.xml needs to be updated manually according to earlier comment by chrisjohnson1988 .