PauloMigAlmeida / directed-acyclic-graph-builder-js

dag-builder-js is a simple-to-use Javascript DAG library with support for N:N vertices/edges. It supports validating that no cycle can be created in real-time, import/export states and it's built on SVG so you can render graphs pretty much anywhere.
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 4 forks source link

Publish the demo as GH pages? #2

Closed kinow closed 2 years ago

kinow commented 2 years ago

It'd be nice to have the application from demo/ published to the gh-pages branch (with ghp-import, or some GH Actions, for instance). That way we could try it without having to build it locally :+1:

Thanks! Bruno

PauloMigAlmeida commented 2 years ago

Great idea! Will start working on it now 👍🏻

PauloMigAlmeida commented 2 years ago

@kinow here it goes:

kinow commented 2 years ago

Hooray! The demo is accessible now, but I'm now getting the same error as #1 GIF to demonstrate it:


I'm using Ubuntu LTS' Firefox, version 104.0.1 (64-bit), same error with Chromium Version 105.0.5195.52 (Official Build) snap (64-bit).

kinow commented 2 years ago

Closing this one as the demo is now published :+1: Thanks Paulo!

kinow commented 2 years ago

p.s. I saw the demo URL in the README, thanks! I think now the demo URL can be used as the URL for this repository. Somewhere in the settings for this project, or in the landing page (maybe to the right of the screen?) you should find a place to define the URL.

PauloMigAlmeida commented 2 years ago

Nice, didn't know that. Just did it :) Thanks heaps mate