PauloMigAlmeida / directed-acyclic-graph-builder-js

dag-builder-js is a simple-to-use Javascript DAG library with support for N:N vertices/edges. It supports validating that no cycle can be created in real-time, import/export states and it's built on SVG so you can render graphs pretty much anywhere.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dark theme not supported #4

Open kinow opened 2 years ago

kinow commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Switching to a dark theme with Dark Reader works, except for the icons when you drag and drop them onto the canvas area.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Switch to dark more
  2. Note how everything was rendered in dark mode
  3. Now drag and drop a graph node

Expected behavior

The node was supposed to render following the browser set preference (annoying, but with some CSS I guess that's doable)

Tooling version:

Additional context



PauloMigAlmeida commented 2 years ago

@kinow Is this the Extension that you are using?

kinow commented 2 years ago

@kinow Is this the Extension that you are using?

Yup, that's the one, with that robot icon. I think it was in the list of recommended extensions in Firefox. I use it at night when my wife goes to sleep, as the light of the monitor is too bright (small apartment :grimacing: )

PauloMigAlmeida commented 2 years ago

@kinow Been there! The older I'm getting, the more sensitive to light my eyes are becoming.... I hope this isn't a sign of glaucoma gearing towards my way 😨

Re: the dark mode issue, it looks like DarkReader has some known issues with SVG elements given the way colours are specified (which differ from regular html elements): Ex.:

I will leave this issue opened, but I think the best way I can help here would be by opening a PR on darkreader's repo to fix the root cause of the issue instead.