PavelDoGreat / WebGL-Fluid-Simulation

Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile)
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Test conjugate gradient for pressure solve #71

Open JamieJQuinn opened 2 years ago

JamieJQuinn commented 2 years ago

From what I can tell, the code looks like it's using Jacobi or Gauss-Seidel methods for solving the divergence <-> pressure Laplace equation. I presume Jacobi because that's what's in the GPU gems reference.

At any rate, I implemented a very similar algorithm in Python but replacing the Jacobi solver with a conjugate gradient solver and found the conjugate gradient method to converge to an error of something like 1e-6 in only about 3 iterations. This is compared to >100 iterations to achieve a similar error using the Jacobi method.

My expectation is that WebGL-FS could also benefit from using the conjugate gradient method and so I'm suggesting testing it keeping in mind the following caveats:

MiracleCK commented 2 years ago
