PavelOu / PS3KVA-protocol-for-RS232

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Next importart step in the searching for a protocol for inverter PS3KVA #3

Open PavelOu opened 1 year ago

PavelOu commented 1 year ago
I have create program Modbus22 for Rtu and Ansi protocols for basic communication with some solar invereters and similar devices. Program Modbus22  Rtu is suitable for reading data with commands 03 and 04, Modbus Ansi is oriented on my inverter PS3KVA  and now for most reading commands like QPIGS .  I use this programm for my actual devices SDM120M and SUN100G (Rtu) and PS3KVA (Ansi). Program is created for Windows 10 by Delphi XE Starter version 2015 .

I am reconstruct the Modbus Ansi protocol for my inverter PS3KV A at first for the basic command for data readig - QPIGS . I attach some printscreen of this my programm Modbus22 ad how I have reconstruct the PI30 protocol for QPIGS command i text file. Modbus22-for Rtu and Ansi programm-Home Modbus22-for PS3KV-Display PS3KVA-Grapf-2023-0602 PI30 Reconstruction of protocol for PS3KVA - command QPIGS.txt