PavelZinchenko / event-horizon-frontier-builds

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[REQUEST] (GAMEPLAY) An actual endless survival mode #270

Open Neuron114 opened 3 months ago

Neuron114 commented 3 months ago

in this endless mode, endless (infinite) amount of enemies will come at your starbase.

Player will be able to choose the starting difficulty, what faction to fight with, enable class 3 enemies or not, and how many will come at once (ranging from minimum 3 to max 12). Difficulty will increase the more time you survived in endless mode, you will get rewarded after you are defeated

Absolutan115 commented 3 months ago

Nice opinion, one small issue

Are you not boring if waiting to long?

Neuron114 commented 3 months ago

Ofc when we post issue, we wait for Pavel to notice it

magne00 commented 3 months ago

The faction to fight should be random, otherwise people will just choose the easiest ones.

Neuron114 commented 3 months ago

otherwise people will just choose the easiest ones.

exactly what I want it to be

Bezbasheniy commented 3 months ago

Задумка однозначно хорошая, но по моему чисто субьективному мнению требует небольших изменений, а именно: 1) врагами будут все фракции в перемешку. 2) сложность будет увеличиваться не по времени а по уничтожению кратного числа врагов. К примеру: после уничтожения 100врагов следующие 100будут иметь бонус к мощности на 10%выше. 3) Награда будет выдаваться после смерти базы в зависимости от текущего уровня сложности + предметы выбитые в ходе сражения.

chromiumthe24 commented 3 months ago

also lower difficulties and easier factions should give less good drops than higher difficulties and harder factions. ppl can still choose factions and difficulty but if its easier then loot drops aren't as good