PavelZinchenko / event-horizon-frontier-builds

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[Suggestion] Make missiles great again #276

Open Snowgods opened 3 months ago

Snowgods commented 3 months ago

At high level missiles are practically useless... The HM mk3 has some utility, as does the EMP Nuke (in PVP), but other than that there is nothing useful to fill missile slots.

Some possible missile options

Screamer: Missile emits an AOE Damage over time effect, possibly ending in a cone shaped burst on detonation. Moderate speed, no tracking.

Burrowing: Missile penetrates targets, and continues to strike new target, or cycles back to hit same ship again. Turn rate of the missile should be slightly better than Pixie cannon, but worse than Parasite spawner. This missile should also be fast.

MIRV (multiple independent reentry vehicles): shortly after firing, missile should split into multiple smaller missiles, unlike cluster missile, these missiles should all have tracking, and should have decent range. Should also be fast.

Barrier missile: Missile explodes into a barrier that blocks (enemy) projectiles (up to you whether it should block AR and HPE, but it could be a defense against those). Barrier should be destroyable, with health based on missile's strength. This missile should be slow, and have a long reload

Jammer: Missile spawns ECM jammer pods.

Pinwheel: Missile emits a rotating stream of basic bullets as it travels.

Neutronium Impactor: Simple indestructible missile.

NPXRL (Nuclear pumped X-ray laser): Fires a beam (similar to tacheon beam) at target when destroyed or at end of range.

Thirteen0130 commented 3 months ago

It looks interesting. I agree that the missiles have become weak and something needs to be changed. But it's the developer's decision whether to add a new one or improve the old one.

vlad-ultramarine commented 3 months ago

Cluster missile is completely useless. Because of it "missiles spawn over time" mechanic you can get hit with one missile and that all. It need to be reworked like when it close to target it spawn additional missiles not like every new missile spawn another

Thirteen0130 commented 3 months ago

Кластерная ракета совершенно бесполезна. Из-за механики "ракеты появляются со временем" вы можете попасть одной ракетой и все. Его нужно переработать, например, когда он приближается к цели, он запускает дополнительные ракеты, а не так, как каждая новая ракета запускает другую

Зато красиво и забавно Редактировано: народ, это был сарказм

Inedilarion commented 3 months ago

Missiles have several problems: 1) Low projectile speed compared to the speed of ships 2) Short range of most missiles 3) The missiles are aimed at distant enemies (who are quickly destroyed, for example, by a heavy lightning cannon) and in 99% of cases they simply fly pointlessly across the battlefield back and forth until they explode Screenshot_2019-05-02-07-55-23-513_com ZipasGames Frontier 4) Missiles can be destroyed, and there are now a lot of weapons with high area damage, which destroys them 5) Missiles have disgusting damage parameters compared to popular weapons

Absolutan115 commented 3 months ago

100 missile vs BIG WAVE CANNON BRUH

magne00 commented 3 months ago

Since the max speed limit has been raised by twice the amount, i think it's logical to increase the projectile speed of missiles (and some non-missiles, eg. Heavy Quantum Torp).