Open arteymix opened 2 years ago
Workflow in the dev_test_workflow branch has a job pointing to the dev.gemma.msl now. currently this fails since actions machines aren't allowed to reach there yet.
Good. I'll follow up with dima to get the IP ranges allowed.
I sent this file to dima which contains all the Apache directives to allow GitHub Actions access to github-actions.conf.txt.
Added the dev testing to the current branch but it's not currently working. Will poke dima again
A current version the file above can be generated by doing
gh::gh('/meta')$actions %>% unlist %>% paste('Require ip',.) %>% cat(file = 'file.txt',sep='\n')
To ensure that Gemma.R is always working with upcoming features and improvements, it would be critical to include the development instance in its CI.
The IP for GitHub Actions can be found in the docs. I'm on mobile now, so it's not exactly convenient to pull that information.