PawelTroka / Computator.NET

Computator.NET is a special kind of numerical software that is fast and easy to use but not worse than others feature-wise. It's features include: - Real and complex functions charts - Real and complex calculator - Real functions numerical calculations including different methods - Over 107 Elementary functions - Over 141 Special functions - Over 21 Matrix functions and operations - Scripting language with power to easy computations including matrices - You can declare your own custom functions with scripting language
GNU General Public License v3.0
231 stars 51 forks source link

Migrate to Metro Modern UI or Material Design ? #122

Open PawelTroka opened 6 years ago

PawelTroka commented 6 years ago

Metro Modern UI - Metro Framework ( or Material Design? ( or

andrew-mi commented 5 years ago

Also take a look at I consider it 'classic but pretty' and can be modified and twisted as you need: Unlike some other libraries mentioned you don't need to completely redo your UX 'flow' I am not a contributor of the project - just a happy user 😄