Computator.NET is a special kind of numerical software that is fast and easy to use but not worse than others feature-wise. It's features include: - Real and complex functions charts - Real and complex calculator - Real functions numerical calculations including different methods - Over 107 Elementary functions - Over 141 Special functions - Over 21 Matrix functions and operations - Scripting language with power to easy computations including matrices - You can declare your own custom functions with scripting language
use some good controls like Navigator from Krypton Toolkit (Navigator can be used for TabControl, CheckedListBox for choosing what Functions to load (eg SpecialFunctions etc), Docking for Console output / solution explorer etc, Workspace for CodeEditors, KryptonColorButton for ChartEdit picking colors)
use some good controls like Navigator from Krypton Toolkit (Navigator can be used for TabControl, CheckedListBox for choosing what Functions to load (eg SpecialFunctions etc), Docking for Console output / solution explorer etc, Workspace for CodeEditors, KryptonColorButton for ChartEdit picking colors)