Closed charlespax closed 9 years ago
Here is the silkscreen and schematic on Rev 0.10:
Pin map silkscreen position:
Pin Map on silk screen:
Pin map on Schematic:
Here is the Arduino Leonardo pinmap. Does everything match? Is the silkscreen accurate?
Are you sure the above pin mapping suitable for our project? As I found T400 dos not connect UVcc to +5V and datasheet of ATmega32u4 also suggest not connect +5V to UVcc while I/O using 3.0V to 3.6V.
Reference: (Page 256)
The image I reference above is for the Arduino Leonardo. It is only used to correlate between physical pins on the ATmega32U4 and their Arduino digital/analog designations.
Don't worry about it, I'll take care of this issue.
Information taken from hardware/arduino/avr/variants/leonardo/pins_arduino.h
ATmega32U4 | Arduino |
1 | D7 |
2 | Vcc |
3 | USB D- |
4 | USB D+ |
5 | UGND |
6 | UCAP |
7 | VBUS |
8 | D17, RXLED |
9 | D15, SCK |
10 | D16, MOSI |
11 | D14, MISO |
12 | D11 |
13 | RESET |
14 | Vcc |
15 | GND |
16 | XTAL2 |
17 | XTAL1 |
18 | D3, SCL |
19 | D2, SDA |
20 | D0 |
21 | D1 |
22 | TXLED |
23 | GND |
24 | AVcc |
25 | D4, A6 |
26 | D12, A11 |
27 | D6, A7 |
28 | D8, A8 |
29 | D9, A9 |
30 | D10, A10 |
31 | D5 |
32 | D13 |
33 | HWB |
34 | Vcc |
35 | GND |
36 | D18, A0 |
37 | D19, A1 |
38 | D20, A2 |
39 | D21, A3 |
40 | D22, A4 |
41 | D23, A5 |
42 | AREF |
43 | AGND |
44 | AVcc |
Yes, the Digital and Analog pin mapping are match with T400
Here is the pinmap for the current version of the T400. The pinmap, schematic, and silkscreen all match.
Arduino | ATmega32U4 | T400 |
D0 | 20 | SW_B |
D1 | 21 | SW_A |
D2 | 19 | SDA |
D3 | 18 | SCL |
D4, A6 | 25 | LCD_A0 |
D5 | 31 | BATT_STAT |
D6, A7 | 27 | LCD_BL |
D7 | 1 | RTC_INT |
D8, A8 | 28 | LCD_CS |
D9, A9 | 29 | VBAT_SENSE |
D10, A10 | 30 | VBAT_EN |
D11, A11 | 12 | FLASH_CS |
D12 | 26 | LCD_RST |
D13 | 32 | SW_C |
D14 | 11 | MISO |
D15 | 9 | SCK |
D16 | 10 | MOSI |
D17 | 8 | SD_CS |
A0, D18 | 36 | DATA2 |
A1, D19 | 37 | DATA1 |
A2, D20 | 38 | SW_D |
A3, D21 | 39 | SW_E |
A4, D22 | 40 | SW_PWR |
A5, D23 | 41 | PWR_ONOFF |
All good. Closing issue.
Make sure the Arduino pinmap on the silkscreen is accurate. This should be the last issue addressed before ordering PCBs.