PaxInstruments / t400-firmware

Firmware for the Pax Instruments T400 temperature datalogger
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Random noise data points #225

Open protological opened 8 years ago

protological commented 8 years ago

While working on updated graphics functions I noticed that randomly, individual pixels would be enabled on the screen when I wasn't writing them. When the next update of the screen is done the pixels are off.

I checked out commit 43543b7205458c8e6638093725c884eada44a73c and the random pixels were found there too. (This is before modifications) I added a quick test function to fake temperature data in a sin wave and was able to catch a few on the screen. I've looked at the modified code and I don't think these pixels are due to programming, there might be an issue with the u8g library.



charlespax commented 8 years ago

I've also noticed this happen sometimes. I did not find anything when searching for "u8glib random pixels."

The u8glib driver used for this LCD controller chip may not be configured correctly. u8glib did not support it natively, so I found one of their LCD drivers that basically worked and modified it until it did the job. There is a good chance I did something incorrectly.

protological commented 8 years ago

Looking in the u8glib folder it appears the only pax files are a class definition for the LCD. Were files in the utility/ or examples/ folders modified? I can dig into the modified code and see if there is something that jumps out